User Authentication: getChallenge Operation
  • 11 Dec 2024
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User Authentication: getChallenge Operation

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Résumé de l’article

The getChallenge operation sends a requests to OneSpan Authentication Server to generate a server challenge. The returned challenge could then be used for a one-step Challenge/Response user authentication.

Two types of server challenges can be generated with the getChallenge operation:

  1. General server challenge. A server challenge not tied to a specific user.
  2. User-specific server challenge.

For this operation to succeed, the following administrative tasks should be performed in OneSpan Authentication Server:

To configure OneSpan Authentication Server for getChallenge operations

  1. Define an authentication policy that supports the generation of a 1-step server-based challenge.
  2. Register a client application, assigning the newly defined authentication policy.
  3. Import authenticators supporting Challenge/Response (CR) user authentication.
  4. Define users and assign the authenticators.

To execute a getChallenge operation, the registered client application should send a getChallenge SOAP command to OneSpan Authentication Server (see getChallenge SOAP request structure).

In order for OneSpan Authentication Server to generate a server challenge, the getChallenge command should specify the CREDFLD_COMPONENT_TYPE credential attribute. This credential field attribute indicates the client application type.

For user-specific server challenges, the getChallenge command should specify the CREDFLD_COMPONENT_TYPE and CREDFLD_USERID credential attributes. The latter is the user ID for which a server challenge should be generated.

A client application with component type SOAP Auth Client will typically send the following SOAP command to request a challenge for user test1:

  <!-- ... Additional namespace declarations -->
          <valuexsi:type="xsd:string">SOAP Auth Client</value>

This would generate the following getChallenge SOAP response:


In this example, the result attribute CREDFLD_CHALLENGE_KEY specifies the challenge identifier used by OneSpan Authentication Server. A Challenge/Response authentication operation for this challenge should add this attribute to its authentication request.

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