- 27 Feb 2025
- 2 Minutes à lire
- Impression
- SombreLumière
User import file format
- Mis à jour le 27 Feb 2025
- 2 Minutes à lire
- Impression
- SombreLumière
You can import user accounts to the database via a user import file, i.e. a comma-delimited text file (.csv). Navigate to USERS > Import in the Administration Web Interface to open the Import Users wizard (see Import Users wizard). This will allow you to import user records from a user import file.
You cannot import user records from a user import file if maker–checker authorization is enabled.
The following restrictions apply to the user import file:
- A header line must be included at the beginning of the file to specify the names of the fields included, and the order. The order of the individual columns and the letter casing of the header line are not important.
- Each user account must be listed on a separate line in the text file.
- All field values must be surrounded by double quotes. Note that only the password can contain double quotes as regular character, all other columns do not allow double quotes in the value.
If the database used by OneSpan Authentication Server is case-sensitive and OneSpan Authentication Server has not been configured to convert user IDs and domain names to lower case, ensure that user IDs and domain names use the correct casing.
If you import user records from a user import file via the User Import wizard, a respective server task is scheduled to perform the actual import operation. The number of concurrent import tasks is limited to one task per OneSpan Authentication Server Appliance instance. Subsequent import tasks will be queued and processed one after another.
Text file format
A user import file can contain the following columns:
- UserID. Maximum 255 characters.
- UserName. Maximum 1024 characters.
- OrganizationalUnit. The organizational unit must already exist in the data store.
- Domain. If a domain is not specified for a user account, the user account will be added to the master domain. If the specified domain does not exist in the database, the user account will not be imported.
- Password. Maximum 255 characters. The password must meet the password complexity requirements of the effective policy. If a user account is created without a password, the password field must be omitted.
- Phone. Maximum 64 characters.
- Email. Maximum 64 characters.
- Mobile. Maximum 64 characters.
- SerialNumber. This column is optional. It can be used to assign a specific authenticator to the user being imported. An authenticator record must already exist in the database in the correct domain to be assigned to the user. The serial numbers for each user can be formatted as written on the authenticator, e.g. 9087653-4, or as it appears in an authenticator record, e.g. 0090876534.
User import file
"testuser1","master","Test User1","","password","0455584965","testuser1@company.com","0410 555 555","9087653-4"
"testuser2","master","Test User2","","secret","055511312","testuser2@company.com","","9087653-7"