User Self-Management Settings
  • 21 Feb 2025
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User Self-Management Settings

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Résumé de l’article

On the User Self-Management Settings page, you can configure error message links to be displayed when authentication with Digipass Authentication for OWA Forms fails.

If you want error message links to be displayed upon failed logon attempts, you need to correctly set up your environment for authentication by replacing/adapting existing pages with the page and file templates that are shipped with the Digipass Authentication Module.

There are two ways to configure error message links in the Digipass Authentication for OWA Forms Configuration Center:

OneSpan User Self-Management Website Links Generator

You can enter the URL of your OneSpan User Self-Management Website to add links for user self-management to error messages (e.g. a link to the User Self-Unlock page if a user gets locked). The URL fields in the Custom Redirection section will be automatically populated with links created from this URL.

Custom redirection

If required, you can also specify custom links that will be displayed as part of an error message. This could be a link to your Customer Support page, or links for user self-management.


The URL of your OneSpan User Self-Management Website. The URL fields in the Custom Redirection section will be automatically populated to create links based on this URL.

Use this field if you do not want to specify custom links for error messages.

For the fields under Custom Redirection, you can specify custom links, or use the Address field in the OneSpan User Self-Management Website Links Generator section to automatically fill these fields.

Local password sync

The link to be displayed when logon fails due to unsynchronized passwords.

Back-end password change

The link to be displayed when logon fails because the user needs to change their static password.

User self-unlock

The link to be displayed when logon fails because the user is locked.

Server PIN change

The link to be displayed when logon fails because the user needs to change their server PIN.

If no error message link is entered for a field, the default message (i.e. without a user self-management link) will be displayed for the corresponding error.

Return failure reason must be enabled for OneSpan User Websites links to work. This setting is enabled by default.

When upgrading from an older Digipass Authentication plug-in, ensure that the old templates are replaced with the current ones.

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What's Next
Changing your password will log you out immediately. Use the new password to log back in.
First name must have atleast 2 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
Last name must have atleast 1 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
Enter a valid email
Enter a valid password
Your profile has been successfully updated.

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