Using the Demo Digipass 760
  • 22 Nov 2024
  • 1 Minute à lire
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Using the Demo Digipass 760

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Résumé de l’article

The Digipass 760 authenticator is used for authentication scenarios in the context of multi-device licensing and multi-device activation. For more information about this functionality, refer to the OneSpan Authentication Server Product Guide.

Digipass 760 protects online banking services by allowing the bank to establish a secure optical communication channel with the client. The device uses a unique visual challenge contained in a graphical cryptogram, a color QR code, consisting of a matrix of colored dots. The user scans the color QR code with the device's built-in camera to generate the signatures for activations and transactions.

Activating Digipass 760

Switch on your demo Digipass 760 authenticator by pressing the middle button. The device will prompt you to scan the color QR code displayed on the demonstration Web page to install the authenticator license on your Digipass 760 to activate the device.

After you scanned the image the device generates a signature; enter this signature in the registration Web page and validate it as prompted. The Web site will display a new image, the activation image; scan this and enter the new code displayed on the device to complete the activation. The device is now ready for use to sign (demo) transactions.

Using the auto-off function

To preserve the maximum battery life, the demo Digipass 760 automatically turns off after 30 seconds of inactivity.

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Changing your password will log you out immediately. Use the new password to log back in.
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