Using the images with Docker Compose
  • 28 Jan 2025
  • 1 Minute à lire
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Using the images with Docker Compose

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Résumé de l’article

You can use the example contained in the package (see Package overview) to set up a deployment using Docker Compose.

The example files are for evaluation purposes only. They are a good starting point for your own deployment, but should not be used in productive environments "as is" without proper configuration.

In particular, you need to do the following:

  • Update the pre-installed certificates.
  • Change the pre-defined credentials.

To run the images with Docker Compose

  1. Import the image bundle archive into the local Docker registry:

    docker load ‑i images.tar
  2. Change to the example deployment folder:

    cd <package_folder>/examples/docker-compose

    Replace the following:

    • package_folder. The absolute path to the folder that contains the extracted package content.
  3. Review and adapt the configuration for OneSpan Authentication Server and Message Delivery Component (MDC) using the GUI configuration image (see Using the GUI configuration image):

    sudo xhost +local:docker
    docker run --rm --user $(id -u) \
      -v $(pwd)/config:/mnt \
      -v /tmp/.X11-unix/:/tmp/.X11-unix/ \

    Replace the following:

    • release_version. The specific version of the images distributed in the package, e.g.
  4. Review and adapt the deployment configuration file, i.e. docker-compose.yml. In particular, note the following:

    • OneSpan Authentication Server and MDC log files are stored in the ./logs folder.
    • The database files are stored in the ./db folder.
  5. Allow write access for the containers to the db and logs folders:

    chmod ‑R 777 db logs
  6. Run the images:

    docker compose up ‑d

To stop running containers

  • Run the following command:

    docker compose down

To restart running containers

  • To restart a locally running service, delete the container and re-create it. Run the following commands:

    docker compose down <service_name>
    docker compose up ‑d <service_name>

    Replace the following:

    • service_name. The name of a service as it is defined in the services section of the used deployment configuration file, e.g. ias.

    Restarting the containers with docker compose restart or docker restart is currently unsupported.

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