- 08 Jan 2025
- 1 Minute à lire
- Impression
- SombreLumière
Using The MDC Configuration Utility
- Mis à jour le 08 Jan 2025
- 1 Minute à lire
- Impression
- SombreLumière
The MDC Configuration Utility is used to configure MDC, and can also be used to test specific gateway configurations. The configuration test can be performed before the gateway is enabled in MDC.
To start the MDC Configuration Utility on Windows, navigate to:
Start > Programs > VASCO > IDENTIKEY Authentication Server > MDC Configuration Utility
To start the MDC Configuration Utility on Linux, open a terminal and run mdcconfiggui.
MDC must be restarted after any change is made via the MDC Configuration Utility or directly in the configuration file.
To configure basic MDC settings
- Start the MDC Configuration Utility.
- Switch to the General tab.
If MDC should use a different IP address than the one listed, modify the IP address field.
If MDC should listen on a different port than the one listed, modify the Port field.
This IP address and port should match the MDC address and port configured in the OneSpan Authentication Server instance(s) using this service.
If you want to secure the connection with SSL, select the Enable SSL checkbox and enter the necessary details. Note that SSL will also need to be configured on the OneSpan Authentication Server end.
- Select the appropriate SSL cipher suite from the SSL Cipher Suite Security Level list. For more information about supported SSL ciphers and how to handle custom SSL ciphers, see SSL cipher suites.
- Browse to the path of the server certificate file and enter the corresponding password.
If you do not require an SSL client certificate, select Never from the Require Client Certificate list. Otherwise:
- Select the appropriate security level (Optional, Required, or Required – Signed Address Only).
- Browse to the path of the client certificate file.
Select the Re-Verify on Re-Negotiation checkbox if you want to re-verify the client certificate each time a connection is established.
Enabling the Re-Verify on Re-Negotiation option may incur a performance penalty. As such, do not do so unless absolutely necessary.
- In the Tracing section, select the tracing level required. If you choose Basic tracing or Full tracing, provide a path to the trace file (e.g. %PROGRAMFILES%\VASCO\IDENTIKEY Authentication Server\log\mdc.trace).
If you select Enable log rotation, either enter the number of days between log rotations in the Rotate on days box, or specify the log size in the Rotate on size box that will trigger log rotation.
If required, specify the number of archived log files to keep, and whether to enable file compression to save disk space.
- Click Apply.