Restrict Access to OneSpan User Websites Functionality
  • 01 Oct 2024
  • 1 Minute à lire
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Restrict Access to OneSpan User Websites Functionality

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Résumé de l’article

If you do not want to make all OneSpan User Websites pages available to users, you can restrict access to OneSpan User Websites functionality. Doing so will remove the corresponding pages from OneSpan User Websites. In addition, you can restrict user input, e.g. by adding a drop-down list box with a limited set of options to choose from, and modify the dynamic page behavior upon user input.

You can restrict access by changing the respective files in the following folders:



  • webapps_folder is the web application folder of your web server. If you deployed OneSpan User Websites from the provided installation packages, this is installation_folder\tomcat\webapps.

  • app_name is the web application to configure, i.e. selfmgmt for User Self-Management Website and votp for Virtual Mobile Authenticator OTP Request Website.

To remove OneSpan User Websites functionality

  1. Remove the link(s) to the OneSpan User Websites page(s) you do not want to make available from webapps_folder\app_name\ui\inc\menu.jsp.

  2. Remove the link(s) from the home page of User Self-Management Website, e.g. remove the options for Digipass activation:

    • By adapting webapps_folder\selfmgmt\index.jsp

To change/add HTML items

  • Edit the appropriate file(s) in webapps_folder\app_name\ui\action as needed.

To modify dynamic page behavior

  • Edit webapps_folder\app_name\etc\js\custom.js as needed.

To display a custom information link

  1. Open webapps_folder\app_name\ui\inc\menu.jsp.

  2. Locate and uncomment the following link:

    <li><a href="${pageContext.request.contextPath}/about">About</a></li>

    This enables an About link in the page menu that opens a file to display customizable information, such as third-party licenses.

  3. Create a file with content to display when the custom information link is clicked:


To enable upgrades to Push Notification

  1. Open the User Self-Management Website configuration file, i.e. webapps_folder\selfmgmt\WEB-INF\classes\selfmgmt.conf.

  2. Locate and set the upgradepushnotification.enabled setting:

    upgradepushnotification.enabled = true

  3. Save and close the configuration file.

  4. On Linux, restart the Apache Tomcat daemon (onespan-uws). On Windows, restart the Apache Tomcat service (OneSpan User Websites).

    This enables the Enable Push Notification for Authentication page in the User Self-Management Website.

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Changing your password will log you out immediately. Use the new password to log back in.
First name must have atleast 2 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
Last name must have atleast 1 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
Enter a valid email
Enter a valid password
Your profile has been successfully updated.

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