  • 08 Jan 2025
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Résumé de l’article

The vdsComponent table contains fields specific to OneSpan Authentication Server client components.

Table:  vdsComponent table columns
Column nameData typePrimary keyNullableDescription
vdsComponentTypevarchar(60)YesNoThe type of client component represented by the data record. For SOAP clients, the type needs to match the component type parameter passed in the SOAP requests.
vdsLocationvarchar(255)YesNoThe IP address (or range, CIDR notation) or name of the machine represented by the data record.
vdsProtocolIdvarchar(32)NoYesThe protocol by which requests will be received from the client.
vdsPolicyIdvarchar(60)NoNoThe name of the policy that should be used for authentication, provisioning, and signature validation requests from the client component.

The RADIUS shared secret between OneSpan Authentication Server and the RADIUS client.

This column contains binary data stored in the base64-encoded format.

vdsCreateTimetimestampNoNoThe date and time the data record was created.
vdsModifyTimetimestampNoNoThe date and time the data record was last modified.
vdsCharEncodingvarchar(255)NoYesEncoding/locale format required by the RADIUS server.
vdsEnabledintegerNoYesDetermines whether the client component is enabled and accepted to communicate with OneSpan Authentication Server.
vdsDescriptionvarchar(128)NoYesInput field to enter a custom description for the relevant client component.
vdsRequestForwardingintegerNoYesDetermines whether the client is considered to be trusted to forward SOAP requests from other clients.
vdsVersionintegerNoYesThe current data schema version of the data record.


Primary key: (vdsComponentType, vdsLocation)

Foreign keys: (vdsPolicyId) references vdsPolicy (vdsPolicyId)


Table:  vdsComponent table indexes
Index nameIncluded fields
Level 0 (default)



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Changing your password will log you out immediately. Use the new password to log back in.
First name must have atleast 2 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
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Your profile has been successfully updated.

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