  • 08 Jan 2025
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Résumé de l’article

The vdsPersistentCache table contains data records that store session state information for various session types. This session state information is recorded to accomplish tasks that involve several steps and allow load-balancing and failover strategies in replicated environments.

It stores session state information for the following:

  • Challenge data required for push notification–based authentication using the OneSpan Mobile Authenticator app.
  • Registration information, used for online activation of OneSpan Mobile Authenticator app instances.
  • Signature information used for Secure Channel signatures.
  • Administrative session information that are used for administrative purposes.


Table: vdsPersistentCache table columns
Column nameData typePrimary keyNullableDescription
vdsKeyvarchar(255)YesNoThe unique identifier of the session cache entry.
vdsCacheTypeintegerNoNoThe cache type of this data record, e.g. challenge cache or registration cache.
vdsWorkflowStatusintegerNoYesThe state in the workflow at which the data record has been created or modified. For instance, in case of an authentication using push notifications, this may indicate the notification has been sent, the authentication has been successful, etc.
vdsElementvarchar(32768)NoNoThe BLOB storing the serialized cache record data.
vdsExpiredintegerNoYesThe expiration state of the data record. Expired data records are automatically cleaned up at regular intervals.
vdsVersionintegerNoYesThe current data schema version of the data record.
vdsCreateTimetimestampNoNoThe date and time the data record was created.
vdsModifyTimetimestampNoNoThe date and time the data record was last modified.
vdsUpdateIndicatorintegerNoNoFlag to indicate changes in the cache records to prevent data coherency issues between multiple server instances.
vdsUserIdvarchar(255)NoYesThe user ID of the session owner in case of administrative sessions.
vdsDomainvarchar(255)NoYesThe domain of the session owner in case of administrative sessions.


Primary key: (vdsKey)

Foreign keys: None.


Table: vdsPersistentCache table indexes
Index nameIncluded fields
Level 0 (default)

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Changing your password will log you out immediately. Use the new password to log back in.
First name must have atleast 2 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
Last name must have atleast 1 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
Enter a valid email
Enter a valid password
Your profile has been successfully updated.

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