  • 08 Jan 2025
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Résumé de l’article

The vdsStoredReport table contains information about reports that have been run and stored on disk (the reports can also be retrieved via the Administration Web Interface).


Table: vdsStoredReport table columns
Column nameData typePrimary keyNullableDescription
vdsReportFileIdvarchar(60)YesNoIdentifier to uniquely identify the report file.
vdsFileNamevarchar(255)NoYesThe file path and name of the created report.
vdsServerIdvarchar(255)NoYesThe server ID of the server the report was run at.
vdsDomainvarchar(255)NoYesThe primary domain of the report owner.
vdsUserIdvarchar(255)NoYesThe user ID of the report owner.
vdsReportDescriptionvarchar(255)NoYesDescriptive text to identify the report.
vdsReportSettingsvarchar(4096)NoYesThe report configured settings.
vdsReportSizeintegerNoYesThe size of the created report in bytes.
vdsCreateTimetimestampNoNoThe date and time the data record was created.
vdsModifyTimetimestampNoNoThe date and time the data record was last modified.
vdsVersionintegerNoYesThe current data schema version of the data record.


Primary key: (vdsReportFileId)

Foreign keys: (vdsDomain, vdsUserId) references vdsUser (vdsDomain, vdsUserId)


Table: vdsStoredReport table indexes
Index nameIncluded fields
Level 0 (default)

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