  • 08 Jan 2025
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The vdsTask table contains data for tasks that where scheduled to run at specific times.


Table: vdsTask table columns
Column nameData typePrimary keyNullableDescription
vdsTaskIdvarchar(60)YesNoUnique task ID string.
vdsTypevarchar(255)NoNoDefines the type of task.
vdsDescriptionvarchar(255)NoNoDescription of the task - e.g. report name etc.
vdsDomainvarchar(255)NoNoDomain of the user who created the task.
vdsUserIdvarchar(255)NoNoUser name of the user who created the task.
vdsServerIdvarchar(64)NoNoIP address of the server that has the task assigned. The field can contain an empty string which means any server.
vdsFeaturesintegerNoNoBit field describing the features of this task. If features are enabled, they can be modified using generic task commands.
vdsFlagsintegerNoNoScheduling flags.
vdsModeintegerNoNoDefines which server(s) should execute this task.
vdsStatusintegerNoNoThe processing status, describing the state of the task. Used for status reporting and notification.
vdsStatusMessagevarchar(1024)NoYesFree text status message used to report the status during execution and results for finished tasks.
vdsProgressintegerNoYesProgress of the task in the range of 010000. NULL if not started.
vdsStartTimetimestampNoYesThe time stamp is set by the first server that starts a task. If another server takes over the task, it will not change the time stamp.
vdsEndTimetimestampNoYesThe time stamp is regularily updated by the server that processes the task to reflect an active state (keep alive notification). If the time stamp is too old, it can be assumed that the task is not processed anymore. When a task is finished, it should be set to the finished time.
vdsContextvarchar(4096)NoNoSerialized command attribute set.
vdsScheduleintegerNoYesDefines, if this task is scheduled. Requires the Schedule feature to be enabled.
vdsScheduleTimevarchar(16)NoYesThe task will be executed at the specified time in the server time zone. Valid if vdsSchedule is Scheduled.
vdsScheduleDatevarchar(16)NoYesDate to execute the task. Valid if vdsSchedule is Scheduled and vdsRecurrence is None.
vdsNotifyvarchar(16)NoYesSend a notification message when the task is finished.
vdsRecurrenceintegerNoYesDefines the recurrence of the task.
vdsRecurrenceWeekdaysintegerNoYesBit field defining on which days of the week to execute the scheduled task if vdsSchedule is Scheduled and vdsRecurrence is Daily.
vdsRecurrenceMonthsintegerNoYesBit field defining the months in which to execute the scheduled task if vdsSchedule is Scheduled and vdsRecurrence is Monthly.
vdsRecurrenceMonthDayintegerNoYesDefines the day of the month on which the task is scheduled if vdsSchedule is Scheduled and vdsRecurrence is Monthly.
vdsCreateTimetimestampNoNoThe date and time the data record was created.
vdsModifyTimetimestampNoNoThe date and time the data record was last modified.
vdsVersionintegerNoYesThe current data schema version of the data record.


Primary key: (vdsTaskId)

Foreign keys: (vdsDomain, vdsUserId) references vdsUser (vdsDomain, vdsUserId)


Table: vdsTask table indexes
Index nameIncluded fields
Level 0 (default)

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