Version 3.27 (Upcoming 2025)
  • 17 Jan 2025
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Version 3.27 (Upcoming 2025)

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Résumé de l’article

New features and enhancements

Select specific data object types to migrate

You can now explicitly specify the data object types that you want to migrate to do the migration in chunks instead of migrating all supported data objects in one go. With the new Migrate the following objects option, you can migrate the following:

  • All supported objects
  • Base and user objects
  • Base objects only
  • User objects only
  • DIGIPASS objects only

This can be especially useful if you need to migrate a lot of data. If the migration process fails or is aborted, you usually need to repeat the complete process, since DMT cannot resume an aborted process and continue from where it left off.

Supported platforms, database management systems, and other third-party products

Operating systems

  • ###

ODBC databases

  • ###

Web browsers

  • ###

Web servers

  • ###

Software libraries

The software library lists are not exhaustive, but include the most notable and critical updates only. For a complete overview, refer to the third-party dependency files included with the installed product.

This version now includes the following (updated) third-party libraries:

Fixes and other updates

Issue OAS-24430: Invalid DIGIPASS import file creates incorrect entries in database

Description: When you import MDL authenticator licenses from a DIGIPASS import file (*.csv) that contains specific invalid message vector data, the import process may complete but create invalid authenticator parameters in the database (vdsDPSoftParams). As a result, the authenticator license cannot be used to activate authenticator instances afterward.

Affects: Data Migration Tool 3.21–3.26

Status:  The data and parameter verification has been improved to prevent invalid authenticator license records.

Issues OAS-24701, OAS-12229 (Support cases CS0130603, CS0085259): DMT does not migrate PNID or direct assignment flag values

Description: When you migrate from a source system, DIGIPASS push notification identifier (PNID) values are not transferred.

If you import from a DIGIPASS import file (*.csv), the DirectAssignOnly column is not correctly evaluated and incorrectly set in the database. The respective authenticators cannot be used for auto-assignment, and future data migration from that server instance via DMT can fail.

Affects: Data Migration Tool 3.21–3.26

Status:  DMT now migrates PNID values for authenticator instances. Furthermore, you can now specify PNID values when you import from a DIGIPASS import file (via DevicePNId). The DirectAssignOnly column in import files is handled correctly.

Deprecated components and features



Known issues

Description: ###

Affects: ### ###–###

Status: ###

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