Version 3.8 (Upcoming 2025)
  • 05 Dec 2024
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Version 3.8 (Upcoming 2025)

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Résumé de l’article

New features and enhancements

New credential provider filter option

The Require Digipass authentication option has been replaced by a more flexible option. The new Filter credential providers option allows you to block credential providers based on the following settings:

  • Allow any credential provider. This allows any credential provider available (the same as Require Digipass authentication disabled before). This is the default setting for new deployments.
  • Block weak credential providers. This blocks the system credential providers that are considered to be weak or untrusted (the same as Require Digipass authentication enabled before).
  • Force Digipass authentication. This setting will block any credential provider other than Digipass Authentication for Windows Logon , including customer-specific third-party credential providers!

If you upgrade an existing deployment, the effective setting of Filter credential providers is determined by evaluating the following conditions (in that order):

  1. If Filter credential providers is already set, use that value.
  2. If Require Digipass authentication is set via Group Policy , use that value.
  3. If Require Digipass authentication is set via the Configuration Center , use that value.
  4. Otherwise, use the default value (Allow any credential provider).

Password reveal button for masked input fields

The Digipass Authentication for Windows Logon  credential provider now adds a reveal password button (glyph) to masked input fields, such as OTP  or static password. Users can click that glyph to show the entered password in plain text and verify if they typed it correctly.

The reveal password button is automatically added to all input fields handled by the credential provider where the input is masked by asterisks, including custom fields used for flexible UI layouts where mask is set to true.

Note that the button is not shown if this behavior is generally disabled via Group Policy (Computer Configuration > Administrative Templates > Windows Components > Credential User Interface > Do not display the password reveal button).

Upgrade paths

Digipass Authentication for Windows Logon supports upgrading from version 3.1 or later to version 3.8 on the currently supported Windows operating systems.

Supported platforms, database management systems, and other third-party products

Operating systems

  • ###

ODBC databases

  • ###

Web browsers

  • ###

Web servers

  • ###

Software libraries

The software library lists are not exhaustive, but include the most notable and critical updates only. For a complete overview, refer to the third-party dependency files included with the installed product.

This version now includes the following (updated) third-party libraries:

Fixes and other updates

Issue OAS-24495: Forced online authentication for local user account can fail

Description: During authentication, Digipass Authentication for Windows Logon verifies whether the request is initiated for a local or a domain user account. Recently, an issue in this check was identified that treated the same user name but with different character casing as different user accounts. This is incorrect, because Windows user names are case-insensitive.

This issue can cause authentication failures if Force Digipass authentication, Allow static password authentication for non-OAS users, and Force OAS online authentication for new users are enabled.

When a user attempts to log on to a workstation with a local user account for which no offline authentication data exist and uses a different character casing than defined in Windows, e.g. JANE.DOE instead of jane.doe, the first authentication succeeds nonetheless.

However, during subsequent offline authentication requests, the same user account is still treated as non-OAS user in some circumstances, hence the authentication will fail with a "There are currently no authentication servers available" message (because of Force OAS online authentication for new users).


This issue has been fixed.

Issue OAS-23938: First custom input field does not get focus on unlock (Credential provider)

Description: When the workstation is locked, the first input field on the Windows lock screen, e.g. the Password field, does not receive the input focus. Users need to explicitly click into the box to type their static password or. This issue only affects custom fields used for flexible UI layouts.

Affects: Digipass Authentication for Windows Logon 3.7


This issue has been fixed.

Issue OAS-19353: No multi-line custom help dialog body text via Group Policy

Description: It is not possible to specify a multi-line dialog body text for the custom help text when configuring Digipass Authentication for Windows Logon via Group Policy. This behavior is different from the Digipass Authentication for Windows Logon Configuration Center, where you can use multiple lines in the corresponding field on the Display and User Experience page.

Affects: Digipass Authentication for Windows Logon 3.1–3.7


This issue has been fixed.

An additional field for multi-line custom help dialog body text has been added to Group Policy.

The new multi-line text field supersedes the previous single-line text field. If you upgrade an existing deployment where a single-line dialog body text is set via Group Policy, its value is automatically retained and used for the multi-line dialog text.

Deprecated components and features



Known issues

Description: ###

Affects: ### ###–###

Status: ###

Cet article vous a-t-il été utile ?

Changing your password will log you out immediately. Use the new password to log back in.
First name must have atleast 2 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
Last name must have atleast 1 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
Enter a valid email
Enter a valid password
Your profile has been successfully updated.

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