Version 4.30.7 (September 2023)
  • 23 Oct 2024
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Version 4.30.7 (September 2023)

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Résumé de l’article

Fixes and other updates


[LMAS-1869] Unexpected error on scan and sign transaction

In some cases, users may have seen an unexpected error message if they tapped the notification that displayed after a scan and sign transaction. This issue has been fixed.


[LMAS-1973] [INC0012590] Secure storage overwritten when two apps use same keychain details on one device

In previous releases, there was potential for a secure storage to be overwritten when two apps used the same Keychain Access Group and both apps stored the key in the same keychain. The solution changes the naming syntax of the secure storage files to make them unique so they won't be overwritten. This issue has been fixed.

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