View Audit Message page
  • 17 Jan 2025
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View Audit Message page

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Résumé de l’article

The View Audit Message page displays the attributes of the selected audit message. This page is only available to administrators with the View Audit Information privilege.

The following fields are displayed for every audit message, independent of the audited component or process:

Table:  Audit message properties
DateThe date at which the audit message was recorded.
TimeThe time at which the audit message was recorded.
TypeThe audit message type (code).
SourceThe audited component - i.e. the source of the audit message, for instance OneSpan Authentication Server.

The category to which the audit message belongs. This category can be one of the following:

  • Authentication
  • EMV-Cap
  • Signature
  • Provisioning
  • Administration
CodeThe audit message code.
DescriptionThe description of the audit message.
AMIDThe audit message identifier.

Details of the audit message

The following table lists all possible attributes an audit message can contain:

Table:  Audit message detail fields
Field nameDescription

This is the intended action for a received request. Examples are:

  • Ignore
  • Process
Application NameThe name of the authenticator application.

The functional area of the audited component, where the audit message was recorded. Example:

  • Microsoft Active Directory Search
Audit LocationThe location of the audit message source. This is typically an IP address or a host name.
Audit VersionThe revision of the auditing format.
Back-End AuthenticationThe back-end authentication protocol ID; value can also be "None".

A space-separated list of keywords indicating characteristics of interest. Example (in case of a connection attempt):

  • SSL TCP IPv6
Client LocationWhen the client machine is not the source of the audit message, this field displays the location of the client.
Client TypeThe client component type.
CommandThe name of the command that triggered the relevant audit process.
Configuration DetailsDetailed information about the configuration settings.

The credentials that were entered for the connections / authentication attempt. Examples:

  • Password
  • None
Data Source LocationThe location of the data source, for instance the path and/or file name, if the data source is a file.
Data Source TypeThe type of the data source, for instance a file or a registry.
Delivery DestinationThe destination to deliver a message to (via Message Delivery Component).
Delivery MethodThe method used to deliver a message (via Message Delivery Component).
DescriptionThe description of the audit message.

The domain name.

In case of an administrative command, this is usually the domain of the administrator. The domain of the targeted user is stored in Target Domain.

DowntimeThe duration (in minutes) of downtime of a RADIUS back-end.
DIGIPASS typeThe type of authenticator, for instance Digipass 300.
Elapsed TimeThe time in milliseconds that passed since the operation started. Note that you do not need to enable performance monitoring to capture the elapsed time, but not every audit message includes it. This field is shown in the Audit Viewer application, but not in the Administration Web Interface.
Epoch CertificateThe certificate of the current epoch.
Epoch IDThe identifier of the current epoch.
Epoch Sequence NumberThe sequence number of the audit message within the current epoch.
Epoch VersionThe revision of the secure auditing format.
Error CodeThe error code for the audit message.
Error DetailsThe full dump of the error stack.
Error MessageThe string representation of the error code.
Expiration DateThe expiration date related to the audit message subject, for instance the expiration date of the grace period.
Fields Details"All Fields" or list of fields returned by the executed query.
From LocationThe source location for a particular process, for instance when something is moved.
Info Message

The message returned by an external component. Example:

  • MDC
Input DetailsDetailed information about the request parameters and/or attributes.
IP Address

The IP address of the client related to this audit message (only in case the client is not the source of the audit message).

This field is usually set only, if Client Location is specified.

Local AuthenticationIndicates if local authentication was performed.
Mobile NumberThe mobile phone number to send a message to (via MDC).
ObjectThe name of an object that is related to an audit query or command.
Offline Data DetailsThe details of the offline data for the relevant audit message.
Offline State DataThe offline state data for the relevant audit message.
OperationThe operation that was attempted or processed when the audit message was recorded.

The outcome of an attempt of RADIUS authentication. Examples:

  • Success
  • Failure
  • Challenge
Output DetailsDetailed information about the response parameters and/or attributes.
Password Protocol

The protocol used for password encoding. Examples:

  • PAP
  • CHAP
  • EAP-MD5
  • MS-CHAP1
  • MS-CHAP2
Policy IDThe identifier of the policy handling the request.
ProtocolThe identifier of the communication protocol used.

The value of a quota related to the audit message subject. Example:

  • BVDP Uses Remaining
RADIUS Input OctetsAcct-Input-Octets: the number of bytes received for an account input request during the RADIUS accounting session.
RADIUS Output OctetsAcct-Output-Octets: the number of bytes sent for an account output request during the RADIUS accounting session.
RADIUS ProfileThe RADIUS profile used for setting up OneSpan Authentication Server, and for the RADIUS back-end.
RADIUS Status TypeThe Acct-Status-Type field from the RADIUS accounting packet. Typically indicates beginning and/or end of an accounting session.
ReasonA short phrase indicating the reason for a failure.
Request ID

The request identifier. Example:

  • RADIUS packet ID.
Request Type

The type of packet. Examples (for a RADIUS protocol):

  • "Access-Request"
  • "Access-Accept"
Serial NumberThe serial number of the authenticator.
Server LocationThe location of the server, typically an IP address or host name.
Session IDThe session identifier.
Session TimeThe duration (in seconds) of the session.
SignatureThe cryptographic signature of the audit message.
Target DomainThis is the domain of the user targeted by an administrative command.
Target User IDThis is the user ID of the user targeted by an administrative command.
Task DescriptionThe description of the task.
Task Execution TimeThe time that was required to complete the task.
Task IDThe task identifier.
Task ResultThe result of the task.
To LocationThe destination location for a particular process, for instance when something is moved.
User ID

When the user ID refers to an OneSpan Authentication Server user account, this is the exact user ID.

In case of an administrative command, this is usually an administrator. The targeted user is stored in Target User Id.

User LinkThe user ID of the user account linked to this user account.
User Location

The location (IP address) of the user's client device. Examples:

  • RADIUS calling-station-ID
  • HTTP browser/client address

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