WAN Deployment Model
  • 29 Nov 2024
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WAN Deployment Model

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Résumé de l’article

The WAN deployment model illustrates a multi-site deployment of OneSpan Authentication Server, with data regularly replicated between the sites. Administration and reporting is handled at a single location. Other sites handle only authentication, signature validation, and provisioning requests.

WAN deployment model

Figure: WAN deployment model

OneSpan Authentication Server

One primary/backup pair of OneSpan Authentication Server instances at each non-administration site.

Data is stored in a commercial database on a dedicated database server at each site.

Failover is configured on each primary OneSpan Authentication Server instance for authentication requests only.

One administration site with a dedicated OneSpan Authentication Server instance for administration and reporting (with the Administration Web Interface installed).

All primary commercial database servers are replicating with each other and with the backup database server.

A dedicated database server is used for auditing data.


All administrative operations are performed on the administration server.

Long running operations taking quite some time can be performed with no direct impact on the authentication server performance handling authentication requests (these administrative operations will introduce only a replication impact on the commercial database servers).

The administration scenario could be disabled on both primary servers and backup servers to exclude administrative load. This is done via the Administration Web Interface.


Custom database replication is used over the virtual private network (VPN). OneSpan Authentication Server replication is disabled.


Auditing data should be written to databases at each site. The data should be imported to the master auditing database at the administration site on a regular basis.


For more information, refer to the OneSpan Authentication Server Administrator Guide, section "Reporting".

Deployment steps

To set up the WAN deployment model

  1. Install a commercial database on each dedicated database server, and modify the schema as needed.
  2. Set up replication between the databases.
  3. Install OneSpan Authentication Server on each primary server and the backup server, using the Advanced installation option.
  4. Configure database load sharing on each OneSpan Authentication Server instance.
  5. Install a database on the audit server.
  6. Set up auditing as required.
  7. Configure reporting as required.
  8. Make auditing data available for reporting, i.e. schedule to merge the primary server's audit data with the backup server auditing data using the Maintenance Wizard.

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