Integrate activation data input from an image
  • 19 Oct 2024
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Integrate activation data input from an image

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Article summary

Mobile Authenticator Studio can retrieve data for the activation process by scanning images.

To activate Mobile Authenticator Studio with a QR code or Cronto image, the image content must be based on the following format:


The content of the QR code or Cronto image can be generated by the Secure Messaging SDK Server 4.3.2 or later by calling the activation message body generation functionality in version 1.


publicstatic String generateActivationMessageBodyV1(String serialNumber, String activationCode, String erc, String userIdentifier, String challenge) throws MessageSDKException


publicstatic String GenerateActivationMessageBodyV1(String serialNumber, String activationCode, String erc, String userIdentifier, String challenge)

Activation QR code content generation parameters

Parameter name


serialNumber (SN)

Required. The serial number of the authenticator to activate.

Format: Alphanumeric string of 10 characters

activationCode (AC)

Required. The authenticator activation code.

Format: Decimal character string. Length depends on the authenticator static vector, either 20, 21, 40, or 41 characters.

erc (ERC)

Optional. The authenticator event reactivation counter, which must be used if the authenticator is reactivated. It is generated by OneSpan Authentication Server Framework.

Format: Decimal character string, up to 91 characters

userIdentifier (USERID)

Optional. The extra user identifier that can be associated with the authenticator.

Format: Alphanumeric string, limited to 40 characters

The QR code can be generated by the Image Generator SDK 4.3.2 or later by calling the QR code generation API.


publicstatic BWQRCodeResponse generateBWQRCode(int imageSize, String inputValue, int errorCorrectionLevel) throws ImageGeneratorException


publicstatic BWQRCodeResponse GenerateBWQRCode(int imageSize, String inputValue, int errorCorrectionLevel)

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