Scan and Sign
  • 12 Dec 2024
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Scan and Sign

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Article summary

The Scan and Sign feature enables the user to sign transactions using a Cronto image. This feature is designed to use only the Secure Channel Message function to sign single transactions for a given user account.

Scan and Sign workflow

The Scan and Sign feature gives users with activated accounts the ability to approve a pending request on the third-party application or web page with their mobile device. The feature follows this workflow:

  1. The user taps Scan Code on the Home screen.

  2. The user points and clicks device camera at the Cronto image from the third-party application or web page.

  3. The user is presented with the details of the transaction for the approval request and clicks Approve.

  4. The user is required to confirm their identity either by OTP or biometric authentication to continue the approval process. The user taps Done to complete the transaction. (See Approve request with biometrics or OTP.)

  5. After the transaction is approved, the user is returned to the Home screen.


  • If the user does not want to approve the transaction, they may tap Cancel to exit the approval process.

Approve request with biometrics or OTP

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