Troubleshooting Mobile Authenticator Studio
  • 02 Dec 2024
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Troubleshooting Mobile Authenticator Studio

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Article summary

Analyze unexpected terminations

You can generate reports for unexpected terminations of Mobile Authenticator Studio apps on various mobile devices for troubleshooting purposes. These reports are created and sent automatically and do not require any configuration. They provide the necessary data to analyze the reason for unexpected terminations, which feature terminates unexpectedly, and other related information.

Any time the user's app terminates unexpectedly, a report will be sent automatically from the user's app to the embedded Sentry framework and forwarded to Mobile Authenticator Studio for further processing.

The data collected and processed either by Mobile Authenticator Studio or Sentry does not contain any personal data of the user!

Error messages

Mobile Authenticator Studio provides different error messages to help users troubleshoot their app.

The following information is logged:

  • Error code

  • Error description

    This description can also include the reason for the failure and suggestions for remediation, if available.

  • The location in the Mobile Authenticator Studio app where the error occurs

The following is not an exhaustive list of all possible errors but provides an overview of special error cases where either the error message and/or the remediation are not self-explanatory.

Error messages




Account not found

The account that is being accessed has not been activated in Mobile Authenticator Studio, e.g., a code has been scanned that contains a serial number that has not been activated.

The user should verify if the activated account matches the intended operation. If this is not the case, they may need to re-activate the account.

Invalid image code

This error is displayed when one of the following events has occurred:

  • The image or code type that has been scanned is not supported by Mobile Authenticator Studio.

  • The data inside the image is broken.

  • The image code was used for a different operation.

The user should generate a new Cronto image to perform the intended operation.

Something went wrong

The signature for the final step of the activation process has not been validated on the server side

The user can tap on Something went wrong? to dismiss the activation process and remove the affected account.

Generic errors

In certain cases, the Mobile Authenticator Studio app can raise a generic error and display a return code. The issue that causes this error can have one of several reasons and depends on the user flow:

Something went wrong

An error occurred. Please contact support. Error code: mss (error code)

Internal error. An error linked with Mobile Security Suite has occurred.

Check the Mobile Security Suite technical documentation included in the product package or contact OneSpan Support.

Mobile Authenticator Studio internal error: an error linked with the busiuness implementation of Mobile Authenticator Studio has occurred.

Something went wrong

An error occurred. Please contact support. Error code: mas (error code)

This error is displayed, if the Mobile Authenticator Studio app handles this error scenario.

Contact OneSpan Support.

Something went wrong

An error occurred. Please contact support. Error code: (-1)

An error scenario is not handled by the app.

Contact OneSpan Support.

HTTP error (network): an error linked to the network communication between the Mobile Authenticator Studio app and the remote server has occurred.

Something went wrong

An error occurred. Please contact support. Error code: networking (error Code)

Communication between the app and remote server succeeded but the back end raises an issue and returns a returnCode parameter.

Investigate the implementation on the server side for the impacted users, and verify the back end status and/or network configuration.

Something went wrong

An error occurred. Please contact support. Error code: networking

k (-1)

Communication between the app and remote server succeeded but the back end does not return a returnCode parameter.

Something went wrong

An error occurred. Please contact support. Error code: networking

(HTTP status)

Displayed for generic HTTP issues.

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