Naming conventions
  • 21 Oct 2024
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Naming conventions

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Article summary

Each demonstration scenario is focused on a main actor who is identified with a designated letter, number, and country. To easily identify artifacts for each scenario, a number of naming conventions have been adopted in the demonstration.

  1. Letter-number combinations: The main actors for each scenario are identified by the following letter-number combinations:

    • A1

    • B2

    • C3

    • E5

    • F6

    • G7

    Extras use a letter-numbering combination which does not relate to a scenario number.

    • Example: William Wallace = W9.

    Non-human artifacts share the same designated letter and number with the actors for each scenario. Examples:

    • FingerprintHash for Alice ARNAUD = AA_FPH_01

    • AccountRef for Glenn GOULD = GG_ACCOUNT_REF_07

  2. Human readable names: Each actor is also identified by a human readable name; their first and last names both start with the designated letter for the actor. Examples:

    • Alice ARNAUD = A1

    • Bob BERNEY = B2

    • Cary CASH =C3

    • Eve EXEPICIER = E5

    • Felix FEVER = F6

    • Glenn GOULD = G7

  3. Virtual location: Each actor is virtually located at a specific IP address which resolves geographically to a designated country for the actor. The IP addresses used are valid, but randomly chosen to match the demonstration scenario. There is no relation to the actual owner/user of the IP address; the IP address is only used for geolocation towards the designated country.

    • Examples: Cary CASH is located in Canada, Eve EXEPICIER lives in Egypt

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