- 23 Oct 2024
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Exposed APIs of the Orchestration SDK: Remote Transaction
- Updated on 23 Oct 2024
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New APIs are created for Swift users of the iOS SDK. For more information, refer to the Xcode API documentation on RemoteTransactionDelegate.
The Customer Mobile Application must call the setRemoteTransactionCallback method and provide an implementation of the RemoteTransactionCallback interface to process a remote transaction flow.
The RemoteTransactionCallback interface is used by the Orchestration SDK to interact with the Customer Mobile Application during the remote transaction process. It exposes the following methods:
onRemoteTransactionDisplayData. Called when the Orchestration SDK needs the RemoteTransactionCallback interface implementation to display data for approval by the user.
The Customer Mobile Application must call the onDataApproved method of the DisplayDataCaller object if the user approves the transaction request.
The Customer Mobile Application must call the onDataRejected method of the DisplayDataCaller object if the user rejects the transaction request.
onRemoteTransactionStepComplete. Called when a step of the remote transaction process is complete. The provided orchestration command must be sent to the server.
onRemoteTransactionSuccess. Called upon remote transaction success. It can also be called to notify the Customer Mobile Application that the rejected request has been taken into account by the Customer Application Server.
onRemoteTransactionSessionOutdated. Called when the remote transaction session is outdated (expired, already approved, or already rejected).
onRemoteTransactionAborted. Called when remote transaction is canceled.
onRemoteTransactionPasswordError. Called upon remote transaction process error due to incorrect user input. The possible errors are listed in the OrchestrationErrorCodes class.
For more information about this feature, see Remote transaction.