- 24 Oct 2024
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- Updated on 24 Oct 2024
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On-Premises 2023-August: Release
Bug Fixes
PB-94766: Fixed an issue that was preventing the platform admin pod (platform-admin-0) from automatically reconnecting with the database when connection was lost.
PB-96377: Fixed an issue that resulted in the Oracle Database setup not working when using Amazon Relational Database Service (AWS RDS).
PB-96912: Fixed an issue where the Docker images helloAppImage:1.0 and centos:8 were not available in JFrog. centos:8 has been added to JFrog, and helloAppImage:1.0 has been replaced by http-test-server:1.11, which has also been added to JFrog.
PB-95674: Fixed an issue that resulted in too many health checks failing. This was happening because the Readiness timeout value was too small. This value has been increased to reduce the number of failed health checks.
PB-93797: Fixed an issue where transactions that required a Sender's signature could not be accessed from that Sender's Dashboard if the Sender's account was created AFTER the initial transaction requesting the signature had been sent. While the transaction could still be signed using the email link, attempting to access the transaction from the Dashboard resulted in a "You do not have permission to view this transaction" error.
PB-90861: Fixed an issue that was causing slow performance and timeout issues during the Signing Ceremony. This issue occurred when creating a transaction with over 100 pages, and with signature fields on each of those pages.
As part of our regular development efforts we continue to patch any vulnerabilities that may affect your Container OS.