- 21 Oct 2024
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Risk Analytics
- Updated on 21 Oct 2024
- 2 Minutes to read
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To prepare OneSpan Risk Analytics for the demonstration, the following steps must be completed:
Import demonstration rules
Populate the database
Activate the demonstration rules
Before you begin
Log on to your digital banking environment. Your administrative credentials for the Risk Analytics environment for digital banking can be found in OneSpan Community Portal > Risk Analytics. Please note your Digital Banking user name and initial digital banking password; you will need both to log on to Risk Analytics Presentation Service.
If you have previously logged on to the Risk Analytics Presentation Service with your Digital Banking user name, you will need the current password you have set during your initial logon to continue.
You can connect to Risk Analytics Presentation Service by clicking the link above your (initial) Digital Banking credentials in the OneSpan Community Portal, or enter https://sdb.tid.onespan.cloud/irm in your browser.
If you cannot log on to Risk Analytics Presentation Service, please contact OneSpan Developer Support at support@onespan.com.
Import demonstration rules
To import the set of campaigns, divisions, and rules required for the demonstration scenarios, log on to Risk Analytics Presentation Service.
Ensure to import always the set(s) of the current version!
Import demonstration rules
Navigate to SETTINGS > Export / Import.
In the bottom-left corner of the window, click CHOOSE FILE.
Select the RA version.number Demo.DB.InactiveCampaigns.RulesAndHotLists.DedicatedPSD2.xml file.
Risk Analytics Presentation Service Export/Import window
Click IMPORT to start the import process. The console window will show the progress of the import, and, if successful, display Import success.
Successful import
It is important to click IMPORT only once!
All campaigns are inactive after the import. You can verify the statuses of both the Non Mon Events and Transactions campaigns by navigating to DESIGN RULES & ACTIONS > Rule Management and opening the relevant items in the navigation pane on the left.
Inactive demonstration campaigns after import
Populate the database
Before running any demonstration scenarios, the Risk Analytics environment must be populated with historical data for the different actors. This is done via the Postman environment.
Populate the database
In the main Postman window, click on RUNNER to open the Collection Runner.
Opening the Collection Runner
Select the TID RA version.number Demo β A. Populate Database collection on the left side of the Collection Runner window.
Select the TID RA version.number Demo environment from the list menu.
Click START RUN to run the collection.
The caption of the START RUN button changes to Run TID RA version.number De⦠after selecting the collection.
Starting the Populate Database collection run
After the collection run β which can take several minutes to complete β the result window should report 53 passed requests and 0 failed. You can examine the result details by scrolling down the Iteration 1 panel. Close the Collection Runner window to continue.
Results after running the Populate Database collection
Activate the demonstration rules
To activate the campaigns required for the demonstration scenarios, log on to Risk Analytics Presentation Service.
Activate the demonstration rules
Navigate to DESIGN RULES & ACTIONS > Rule Management.
Open Non Mon Events in the Rules navigation pane on the left, and select the 1. RA Demo NME Scenarii campaign. A campaign details panel is shown on the right side of the window.
In this panel, click Toggle Campaign to activate the campaign. Repeat this procedure for the 2. RA Demo NME Scenarii (PSD2) campaign.
Activating demonstration campaigns
Open Transactions in the navigation pane, and repeat the procedure for the 1. RA Demo TXN Scenarii and the 2. RA Demo TXN Scenarii campaign.
You now have four activated campaigns which allow you to run the demonstration scenarios.