Integrate the Root Detection SDK
  • 04 Dec 2024
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Integrate the Root Detection SDK

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Article summary


The following procedure allows you to integrate and use the Root Detection SDK in your Android project.

To use the Root Detection SDK in your Android project

  1. Copy RootDetectionSDK.aar from the OneSpan Mobile Security Suite package to the aars folder.

  2. Link UtilitiesSDK.aar from the OneSpan Mobile Security Suite package to your project.

  3. Copy the signature file from the OneSpan Mobile Security Suite package to the assets/signature folder.

In order to use the Root Detection SDK library, you also need to add the following external libraries to your maven/gradle project:

implementation 'androidx.annotation:annotation:1.2.0'
implementation 'com.esotericsoftware:kryo:5.1.1'
implementation 'org.bouncycastle:bcprov-jdk15on:1.70'

You are now ready to use the Image Scanner SDK. For more information on the functions, see Start the analysis and Obtain the signature file.


The following procedure allows you to integrate and use the Root Detection SDK in your iOS project.

To use the Root Detection SDK in your iOS project

  1. Link MSSRootDetection.xcframework from the OneSpan Mobile Security Suite package to your Xcode project (linked framework and libraries).

  2. Link the libc++ library from the iOS SDK to your Xcode project via the Link Binary With Libraries build phase (only required if the project is compiled in Objective-C and not in Objective-C++).

  3. Link the UtilitiesSDK.xcframework library from the OneSpan Mobile Security Suite package to your Xcode project (linked framework and libraries).

  4. Copy the signature file from the OneSpan Mobile Security Suite package to the res folder.

Your project must be compiled with the libc++ standard library.

You are now ready to use the Image Scanner SDK. For more information on the functions, see Start the analysis and Obtain the signature file.

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