Auto-Preparing Transactions
  • 16 Oct 2024
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Auto-Preparing Transactions

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Article summary

The Auto-Prepare feature enables users to automatically prepare a OneSpan Sign transaction for sending. When Auto-Prepare is activated on a transaction, the Send button appears automatically on the transaction page. Thus the transaction can be sent through a single click on that button, without clicking Prepare.

There are two ways of activating the Auto-Prepare feature:

This topic also describes how to take automation one step further by automatically sending a transaction:

Auto-Preparing via the User Interface

The relevant OneSpan Sign transaction must have a Convention with a Recipient Label. This in turn implies the presence of at least one of the following Text Tag types: static position, text anchor, or PDF form field.

To activate the Auto-Prepare feature for a transaction via the User Interface:

  • On the transaction's Advanced Options tab, check the field Auto-prepare with text tags. The Send button should now appear on the transaction page.

Auto-Preparing Programmatically

The relevant OneSpan Sign transaction must have a Convention with a Recipient Label. This in turn implies the presence of at least one of the following Text Tag types: static position, text anchor, or PDF form field. This in turn implies that the parameters ConventionId and RecipientNLabel must be specified.

To activate the Auto-Prepare feature for a transaction programmatically:

  1. Write code that will: (a) create the transaction; (b) attach to the transaction a suitable Convention, suitable documents, suitable recipients, etc.

  2. Add to that code the following URL parameter: AutoPrepare=1” ORAutoPrepare=true”. Your code should resemble the following example:

  3. Create a Custom button that will run that code. Once that button is clicked, the transaction will be created, and the Send button should appear on the transaction page.

Automatically Sending a Transaction

The following procedure uses a program to automatically send a transaction once the transaction has been created.

To automatically send a transaction once it's created:

  1. Write code that will: (a) create the transaction; (b) attach to the transaction a suitable Convention, suitable documents, suitable recipients, etc.

  2. Add to that code the following URL parameter: Send=1” ORSend=true”. Your code should resemble the following example:

  3. Create a Custom button that will run that code. Once that button is clicked, the transaction will automatically be sent after it is created.

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