OneSpan Auth Visual Code (Node)
  • 25 Oct 2024
  • 2 Minutes to read
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OneSpan Auth Visual Code (Node)

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Article summary

Availability: OneSpan Authentication for ForgeRock 1.1.0 and later

This node reads the visual code message from the sharedState object and renders it as a visual code. The end users can scan the image with a mobile app integrated with the Mobile Security Suite SDKs or authenticators with Cronto image support.

The node can be part of a page node or be leveraged independently of the UI flow.

Outcome paths:

  • Default


OneSpan Auth Visual Code properties

Property name

Data type


Message Options


Possible values:

  • DemoMobileApp. The node will look up the message stored by the predecessor node, usually OneSpan Auth User Register (Node). The message is formatted in a particular way that fits the demo mobile app.

  • CustomCrontoMessage. Use this value to implement your own message format and use your own authentication node to store the visual code message in the sharedState object.

Default value: DemoMobileApp

Custom Message In SharedState


Only required if Message Options is set to CustomCrontoMessage. Specifies the key name in the sharedState object to use as the customized visual code message.

Default value: <empty>

Visual Code Callback ID


Specifies a hidden value callback used by the node to return the image URL of the visual code.

Default value: ostid_cronto

Render Visual Code


If set to True, the node will return a JavaScript callback displaying the visual code and the countdown timer.

If set to False, no JavaScript callback will be returned. You can use the image URL in the hidden value callback (Visual Code Callback ID) to render you own visual code page.

Default value: True

Visual Code DOM ID


Specifies the DOM ID of the element that contains the visual code.

Default value: dialog

Visual Code Type


Specifies the visual code type that your mobile app can detect and handle.

Possible values:

  • Cronto

  • QR

Default value: Cronto

Visual Code Size


Specifies the size of the visual code.

Default value: 210

Visual Code Alt Text


Specifies the alternative text to display if the image can’t be displayed properly.

Default value: OneSpan TID Cronto Image

Please Scan Text


The text to prompt the user to scan the visual code. The remaining countdown seconds will be automatically attached.

Default value: Please Scan the Visual Code within:

Please Scan CSS


The CSS definition to render the text label (Please Scan Text), e.g. "font-size: 14px; color: blue;"

Default value: <empty>

Expired Text


The text to show after the countdown to scan the activation data has reached 0.

Default value: Your Activation Code has been expired!

Expired CSS


The CSS definition to render the expired text (Expired Text), e.g. "font-size: 14px; color: red;"

Default value: <empty>

Data flow

OneSpan Auth Visual Code inbound data

Attribute name



As specified in property


Shared state

Visual code message


Shared state

The expiry date


Hidden value callback

A tag indicates whether the custom application has consumed the Cronto URL. In an API flow, you would set the hidden value callback input value to True, so that the node knows to proceed.

OneSpan Auth Visual Code outbound data

Attribute name



As specified in property

Hidden value callback, shared state

Visual code image URL


Hidden value callback

The expiry date in Unix time, specific for API flow


Hidden value callback

A tag indicates whether the custom application has consumed the Cronto URL. In an API flow, you’d set the hidden value callback input value to True, so that the node knows to proceed.

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