- 16 Oct 2024
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Signing Documents
- Updated on 16 Oct 2024
- 5 Minutes to read
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Signing Documents
If a package owner distributes a package with one or more documents you need to sign, you will receive an email which indicates that you have been added to the package as a signer. The email will include a link that you can click to access the package. The package owner may also have included a message to you, which will appear below the link.
To sign a package's documents:
In the email message you receive, click the link to the package.
The package owner chose one of the following Authentication Methods to be used to verify you as a signer:
Email — Nothing further is required.
Q&A — Correctly answer all questions. Then click Login.
SMS — Correctly input the 7-digit SMS code that was sent to your mobile phone. Then click Login.
Read the Electronic Disclosures & Signatures Consent agreement, and click Accept.
Sign all Signature Boxes in the first document. Signature Boxes and Initials Boxes are indicated by yellow sticky notes. If any other signer has already signed the document, their signatures will be visible in the document.
If unsigned Signature Boxes lie outside your viewing area, the Unsigned Signatures Indicator shows the number of those boxes.
A progress bar at the top of the document shows a fraction that indicates: (the number of signatures you have completed) / (the total of number of signatures this document requires of you).
Click OK to confirm your signatures in the document.
If multiple package documents require your signature, click Next Document, and continue to sign each document (where indicated by yellow sticky notes) until all documents are signed.
To review and download the signed documents, click Review my documents.
When you review a signed document, you may see messages stating that OneSpan Sign signatures “Cannot be validated” or are “invalid”. Such messages merely mean that the certificate used to sign the document is not yet trusted by the PDF software you’re using to perform the validation. To resolve this issue, follow the instructions in this article.
Click Exit OneSpan Sign.
Signing Documents
If a package owner distributes a package with one or more documents you need to sign, you will receive an email which indicates that you have been added to the package as a signer. The email will include a link that you can click to access the package. The package owner may also have included a message to you, which will appear below the link.
To sign a package's documents:
In the email message you receive, click the link to the package.
The package owner chose one of the following Authentication Methods to be used to verify you as a signer:
Email — Nothing further is required.
Q&A — Correctly answer all questions. Then click Login.
SMS — Correctly input the 7-digit SMS code that was sent to your mobile phone. Then click Login.
Read the Electronic Disclosures & Signatures Consent agreement, and click Accept.
Sign all Signature Boxes in the first document. Signature Boxes and initials Boxes are indicated by yellow sticky notes. If any other signer has already signed the document, their signatures will be visible in the document.
If unsigned Signature Boxes lie outside your viewing area, the Unsigned Signatures Indicator shows the number of those boxes.
A progress bar at the top of the document shows a fraction that indicates: (the number of signatures you have completed) / (the total of number of signatures this document requires of you).
Click OK to confirm your signatures in the document.
If multiple package documents require your signature, click Next Document, and continue to sign each document (where indicated by yellow sticky notes) until all documents are signed.
To review and download the signed documents, click Review my documents.
When you review a signed document, you may see messages stating that OneSpan Sign signatures “Cannot be validated” or are “invalid”. Such messages merely mean that the certificate used to sign the document is not yet trusted by the PDF software you’re using to perform the validation. To resolve this issue, follow the instructions in this article.
It is a good practice to save the signed documents to your hard disk.
Click Exit OneSpan Sign.
Signing Documents
If a package owner distributes a package with documents for you to sign, you will receive an email that invites you to sign. That email contains a link to the package, and it may contain a personalized message.
To sign the documents in a package:
If you are an ordinary signer:
Click the link to the package in the body of the email you received.
The package owner will have chosen one of the following methods to authenticate your identify, and that method may require you to do something at this step.
Email: This is the simplest form of authentication. No further action is required.
Q&A: This method requires you to answer one or more questions. After answering them, click Login.
SMS: This method requires you to enter a PIN (seven-digit code) that you received via an SMS message on your mobile phone. After entering the code, click Login.
If you are the package owner:
Log into OneSpan Sign Embedded Integration for CRM as the user who created the package.
Navigate to OneSpan Sign Embedded Integration for CRM > OneSpan Sign > OneSpan Sign Packages.
Open the package, and verify that its status is Sent.
Click Start Signing.
Sign all your Signature Blocks in the document. Those blocks should be indicated by sticky notes.
If any unsigned Signature Blocks lie outside your screen, an Unsigned Signatures notification displays the number of signatures that are still required.
A progress bar at the top of the document indicates the number of signatures you have completed, as well as the total number of signatures assigned to you in this document (e.g., 3/10 completed).
To confirm your signatures in the current document, click OK.
Repeat Steps 3-4 for each document in the package.
Click Save & Close. The page associated with the signed package appears.
The following step is possible only if the package is in the state Completed.
To verify that all documents have been signed, click the link to download signed documents (that link is at the bottom of the page). Open each document, and verify that all its Signature Blocks have been signed.
When you review a signed document, you may see messages stating that OneSpan Sign signatures “Cannot be validated” or are “invalid”. Such messages merely mean that the certificate used to sign the document is not yet trusted by the PDF software you’re using to perform the validation. To resolve this issue, follow the instructions in this article.
After a OneSpan Sign package is sent for signing, its sender can check its Signing Status to see which signers have completed signing, and which signers have not yet signed.