- 16 Oct 2024
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Using Field Mappings & Text Tags
- Updated on 16 Oct 2024
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OneSpan Sign supports two types of "Conventions" — Field Mappings and Text Tags. Users with OneSpan Sign Template Admin permissions can define both types.
Conventions can have multiple Signer Labels (associated with signers) and multiple Text Tags (associated with packages or templates).
Once a Convention has been defined, users who create packages manually can use the Convention to automate tasks. Having tasks performed automatically saves users time.
Conventions can be used to automate two kinds of tasks:
Auto-Populating Data via Field Mappings : A selected Convention's Field Mapping can be used to automatically insert the value of a OneSpan Sign Embedded Integration for CRM field (e.g., Street Address) into the corresponding field of OneSpan Sign documents when a package is being prepared. That data can then be retrieved from the signed documents. The data in question can be data about a signer, or data about a "Related Entity" of OneSpan Sign Embedded Integration for CRM.
Positioning Fields via Text Tags in Signer Labels : A selected Convention's Text Tag can be used to automate the insertion of a OneSpan Sign field at particular positions in multiple documents for multiple signers.
You can use Text Tags with the Auto-Prepare feature to automatically prepare entire OneSpan Sign packages for sending (see Auto-Preparing Packages).
Auto-Populating Data via Field Mappings
This section describes the following ways of auto-populating data via Field Mappings:
Auto-Populating CRM Signer Data
The auto-population feature with "Mapping Type = Signer" can automatically populate OneSpan Sign documents with data from a CRM signer's record — e.g., data about a OneSpan Sign Embedded Integration for CRM user, contact, or lead.
The following procedure illustrates how to use this feature. In particular, it describes how to auto-populate the documents in a OneSpan Sign package with the address of a CRM contact who is also a signer.
To auto-populate a package's documents with the address of a CRM contact:
Navigate to OneSpan Sign > Conventions.
Click New.
Enter a name for the new Convention, and click Save.
On the Field Mapping related list, click +, and give a name to the mapping.
In the Mapping Type drop-down list, select Signer.
In the OneSpan Sign Document Field Reference section, provide a OneSpan Sign Field Name.
Click Save.
In the Dynamics CRM Entity Field section, choose the desired entity. In this case, the entity is Contact. A list of the contact’s fields appears on the right.
Choose the field to be mapped to a OneSpan Sign field (e.g., the contact's City).
Click Add Field Reference.
Ensure that the Insert option box is checked when the field is added. This enables the system to insert data from the OneSpan Sign Embedded Integration for CRM entity’s field into the OneSpan Sign documents.
Click Save to save the Field Mapping.
Repeat Steps 5-9 to create a new Field Mapping for each address field (City, Zip Code, etc.).
Click Activate.
Creating and Auto-Populating a Package
Create a OneSpan Sign package (giving it a name).
Click Save.
Optionally, choose Account as Related Object Type.
In the Convention section of Advanced Options, click Lookup and choose the previously created Convention.
Add documents to the package, and add the contact as a signer.
Click Prepare. The Designer appears in a dialog box.
The package will be sent. When the package is complete, its signed documents should contain the contact's address. Thanks to this procedure, that address in OneSpan Sign documents will have been auto-populated directly from OneSpan Sign Embedded Integration for CRM .
Auto-Populating CRM Related-Entity Data
The auto-population feature with "Mapping Type = Related Entity "can automatically populate OneSpan Sign documents with data from a CRM record linked to a OneSpan Sign Embedded Integration for CRM package entity.
The following procedure illustrates how to use this feature. In particular, it describes how to auto-populate the documents in a OneSpan Sign package with an address from a CRM Account record.
To auto-populate a package's documents with a CRM Account’s address:
Creating a Convention
Navigate to OneSpan Sign > Conventions.
Click New.
Enter a name for the new Convention, and then click Save.
Creating a Field Mapping
On the Field Mapping related list, click +, and give a name to the mapping.
In the Mapping Type drop-down list, select Related Entity.
In the OneSpan Sign Document Field Reference section, give the OneSpan Sign field a name.
Click Save.
In the Dynamics CRM Entity Field section, choose the desired object. In this case, the entity is Account. A list of the Account’s fields appears to the right.
Choose the field to be mapped (e.g., the Account's City).
Click Add Field Reference.
Ensure that the Insert option box is checked when the field is added. This will enable the system to insert data from the CRM object’s field into the OneSpan Sign documents.
Click Save to save the Field Mapping.
Repeat Steps 5-9 to create a new Field Mapping for each address field (City, Zip Code, etc.).
Click Activate.
Creating and Auto-Populating a Package
Create a OneSpan Sign package (giving it a name).
Click Save.
From the Related Entity drop-down menu, select Account.
Click Lookup to choose the Account record.
In the Convention section of Advanced Options, click Lookup and choose the previously created Convention.
Add documents to the package, and add signers to the package.
Click Prepare. The Designer page appears. Add your Signature Blocks.
Close the Designer. Then click Send to send the package.
When the package is complete, its signed documents should contain the Account's address. With this procedure, the address in OneSpan Sign documents will be auto-populated directly from OneSpan Sign Embedded Integration for CRM.
Positioning Fields via Text Tags in Signer Labels
You can use a Text Tag to automatically insert a OneSpan Sign field (e.g., a Signature Block) at particular positions in multiple documents for multiple signers. Three types of Text Tags can be used for this purpose:
Before you create any of the above Text Tag types, ensure that each Signer Label has at least one Text Tag of type Signature (Full Name, Initials, Capture, or Mobile Capture). If a Signer Label doesn’t have any Text Tags, the OneSpan Sign package created with that label could be corrupted.
When a Text Tag inserts an object in a document, that object overwrites and thus obscures any preexisting content in that place.
Positioning Fields via PDF Form Fields
The following procedure illustrates how to use Text Tags of type PDF Form Field to automatically insert a OneSpan Sign field in multiple documents for multiple signers. The PDF Form Fields already have fixed positions in the relevant PDFs, and the OneSpan Sign field will be placed in those PDF Form Fields.
To use PDF Form Fields to automatically insert a OneSpan Sign field in multiple documents for multiple signers:
Verify that the relevant PDF document has at least one PDF Form Field.
Create a new Convention, and save it.
In the Signer Label section of Convention Details, click +.
In the New OneSpan Sign Signer Label page, provide a Signer Label name.
Click Save.
Click the active name to create a Text Tag in the Signer Label.
In the Text Tag section, select PDF Form Field from the drop-down list.
If needed, modify the Text Tag name, and complete the Form Field Name.
In the Text Tag Details section, select the Output Field type from the drop-down list (e.g., signature, auto-fill signed date, input text field).
Click Save.
Create a new OneSpan Sign package.
In the Convention section of Advanced Options, click Lookup and choose the previously created Convention.
Add documents and signers to the package.
Double-click each signer, and assign a Signer Label to each signer from the Lookup option.
When choosing a Convention, the system tries to match its choice with the signer.
Click Prepare to open the Designer. Verify that the signature and signing date defined above have been properly inserted at the positions of the pre-existing PDF Form Fields. You can then close the Designer, and click Send to send the package.
Positioning Fields at Static Positions
A Text Tag of type Static Position inserts a tag at a specified position in a document. The following procedure illustrates how to use the Static Position Text Tag to automatically insert a OneSpan Sign field at static positions (fixed X-Y coordinates) in multiple documents for multiple signers.
To automatically insert a OneSpan Sign field at a static position in multiple documents for multiple signers:
Create a new Convention, and save it.
In the Signer Label section of Convention Details, click +.
In the New OneSpan Sign Signer Label page, provide a Signer Label name.
Click Save.
Click the active name to create a Text Tag in the Signer Label.
In the Text Tag section, select Static Position from the drop-down list, and give the Text Tag a name.
Type values for the Text Tag'sTop Offset and Left Offset.
The preceding step specifies the field's fixed position on a page. The next step specifies the page on which the OneSpan Sign field will appear.
Specify the Page number on which the Text Tag should appear.
Pages are counted sequentially from the first to the last document in the package.
Specify the Width and Height of the OneSpan Sign field to be created.
In the Text Tag Details section, select the Output Field type from the drop-down list (e.g., signature, auto-fill signed date, input text field).
Click Save.
Create a new OneSpan Sign package.
In the Convention section of Advanced Options, click Lookup and choose the previously created Convention.
Add documents and signers to the package.
Double-click each signer, and assign a Signer Label to each signer from the Lookup option.
When choosing a Convention, the system tries to match its choice with the signer.
Click Prepare to see the Designer. Verify that the field defined in the Convention has been inserted properly in each document for each relevant signer. After you're satisfied with the results, you can close the Designer, and then click Send to send the package.
Positioning Fields via Text Anchors
A Text Tag of type Text Anchor looks for a specific string in a document, and inserts a tag at a specified position relative to the location of that string. The following procedure illustrates how to use the Text Anchor Text Tag to automatically insert a OneSpan Sign field in multiple documents for multiple signers.
Text Anchors are available for both Microsoft Word documents and PDF documents.
To use Text Anchors to automatically insert a OneSpan Sign field in multiple documents for two signers:
Create a new Convention, and save it.
In the Signer Label section of Convention Details, click +.
In the New OneSpan Sign Signer Label page, provide a Signer Label name.
Click Save.
Click the active name to create a Text Tag in the Signer Label.
In the Text Tag section, select Text Anchor from the drop-down list, and give the Text Tag a name.
In the Text Anchor Details section, complete the Text field with the exact string to be searched for in the uploaded documents.
If the exact text string cannot be found in an uploaded document, OneSpan Sign will trigger an error and then delete the document from the package.
Add the Character Index within the Text Anchor. It will be used to calculate the position of the field ("0" being the beginning of the word, and "1" the position immediately after the character).
Add the Occurrence of the search string. For example, a value of 2 will skip the first two occurrences of the anchor text, and use the third occurrence to calculate the position.
In the Position section, specify a Top Offset and Left Offset for the field's position relative to the relevant anchor text. Each offset can be positive, negative, or zero.
In the Field Dimension section, specify the Width and Height of the desired OneSpan Sign field.
In the Text Tag Details section, select the Output Field type from the drop-down list (e.g., signature, auto-fill signed date, input text field).
Click Save.
Repeat Steps 3-13 for the second signer. The following image illustrates how the resultant Signature Blocks may appear at the end of this procedure.
Create another Text Anchor for the signing date, with the Text Anchor being the first occurrence of DATE.
Create a Signer Label for the second signer, and within it create two Text Tags. The first is for the signature, using WITNESS SIGNATURE as the anchor text. The second is for the signing date, using the second occurrence of DATE.
Create a new OneSpan Sign package.
In the Convention section of Advanced Options, click Lookup and choose the previously created Convention.
Add documents and signers to the package.
Double-click each signer, and assign a Signer Label to each signer from the Lookup option.
When choosing a Convention, the system tries to match its choice with the signer.
Click Prepare to open the Designer. Verify that the Signature Blocks and signing dates defined above have been properly inserted. You can then close the Designer, and click Send to send the package.