Adding Fields
  • 08 Oct 2024
  • 14 Minutes à lire
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Adding Fields

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A transaction is the experience of a OneSpan Sign user as they review, accept, sign, and potentially download documents. The sender of a transaction generally performs the following procedures :

Adding Fields to a Document

Fields enable the placement of additional data in a document at the time of signing. Like signature fields, non-signature fields can be placed anywhere inside a document. Nonetheless, each field is linked to a particular signature. Only the signer of that signature can assign or change the field's value. Once the signature is signed, however, the value of the field cannot be changed by anyone.

You cannot add fields to: (1) documents that are Accept Only; (2) the Electronic Consent form; (3) documents in an accessible transaction.

To add fields to an active document:

  1. Click the <Name of Recipient> from the RECIPIENTS section of the Prepare Transaction page.

  2. Drag and drop the desired fields (e.g., Signature) from the FIELDS section onto the document. The Available Fields are described below.

  3. Optional: Configure any additional settings for a selected field.

    • Field Name: Enter a title for this field.

    • Recipient: If desired, used the drop-down menu to select a different recipient for this field.

    • Field Tooltip: Enter any additional instructions or descriptions that could help a signer in understanding what this field is. This tooltip will be displayed in the Signer Experience when hovering over or tabbing into the actionable field. This tooltip will also be read by a screen reader when focusing on the field.

  4. If this field is not necessarily required to complete this transaction, select the Is optional option. For more information, see Optional Signatures .

  5. Optional: Use the Layout section to configure the position and size of the field. You can also do this manually, by dragging and dropping, or manually resizing the field.

  6. Optional: Configure conditional logic among some or all of the fields you added to the document in the previous step. How to do so is described in the section below called Conditional Fields.

  7. Optional: Use the Field Formatting section to configure font size for the field (i.e., the font size that will be used for text in the field when the parent document is printed). The options are: (1) a specific font size; (2) Auto-fit (which will scale the text to fill its input box); (3) Inherit from parent (this is the default, and will use the font size defined at the transaction/template level). You can also configure the Text Alignment for this field - for example, to have all text aligned to center of the field.

The following may be of use to you:

  • You can duplicate a field by clicking it, and selecting Duplicate from the Field Settings pane. The new field will duplicate the original field's properties (Is required, Is optional, default value, list values, max characters), but its Field Name will be reset to empty.

  • You can collectively align multiple fields to the top, bottom, left, or right. Press the keyboard SHIFT button + left-click to select multiple fields. Use the menu at the top of the document to align the fields to the top, bottom, left, or right.

  • For more information about signing a sent document, see Signer Experience.

  • For more information on working with the Prepare Transaction page, see Preparing Transactions and New.

Available Fields

The FIELDS section of the Document Designer page contains every field that can be added to a document for a given recipient. Two types of fields can be added:

  • Conditions cannot be applied to Custom Fields, Notary Fields, Auto-populated Fields (e.g., Name, Title, Date), Labels, or attachments.

  • Conditional logic cannot be applied across documents or across signers.

  • A mandatory field conditioned to be enabled or disabled should always be accompanied with a second condition that also makes it optional if the first condition is set to disabled. Failure to do this could prevent a recipient from being able to sign. Your conditional logic then, should include two conditions. For example:

    1. If Field A is selected, make Field B disabled.

    2. If Field A is selected, make Field B optional.

  • This feature is also available via the REST API and SDKs.

Signature Fields

When you drop these signature fields into the document, the Field Settings panel displays to the right of the document. In this panel, you can name the field and specify which recipient(s) must complete the field.



Field Settings


Used to collect a signature from a recipient.

The following signature types are available:

  • Click-to-Sign

  • Capture Signature

  • Mobile Signature

  • Click-to-Initial


Upon clicking in this field, the signer's name is stamped on the signature field at the time of signing. This is the default signature type.

Select this type of signature from the Field Settings panel to the right of the document.

Capture Signature

The recipient draws their signature using their mouse or another input device. The drawing of the signature is stamped on the signature field at the time of signing.

Optionally, if the From File setting is enabled, the recipient may upload an image file to be stamped on the field at the time of signing.

Mobile Signature

The recipient receives a link via email that redirects them to open the document on their mobile phone. The recipient is then required to draw their signature using their finger or a stylus. The drawing of the signature is then stamped on the box.

Mobile Capture must first be enabled on your account. Select this type of signature from the Field Settings panel to the right of the document.

Click-to-Initial and Signer Initials

At the time of signing, the recipient's initials are stamped on the signature field.

Signing Date

This autofield stamps the document with the date and time of the signature

Signer Name

This autofield stamps the document with the signer's name as it was entered on the transaction.

Signer Title:

This autofield stamps the document with the title of the signer as it was entered on the transaction.

Since this is an optional field on the transaction, it is only available if the information is provided on the transaction.

Signer Company

This autofield stamps the document with the name of the signer's company as it was entered on the transaction.

Since this is an optional field on the transaction, it is only available if the information is provided on the transaction.

A default signature type can be configured for the Signature field by contacting our Support Team. The available defaults are Click to Sign, Capture Signature, and Mobile Capture.

Form-Building Fields

When you drop these form-building fields into the document, the Field Settings panel displays to the right of the document.



Field Settings

Text Field

This field accepts any text entered by the signer prior to signing.

Field Name

Recipient: Specify which signer(s) must complete the field.

Default Value

Is Required: Make the field mandatory at signing.

Text Area

This is a multi-line area that accepts any text entered by the signer prior to signing.

Field Name

Recipient: Specify which signer(s) must complete the field.

Default Value

Is Required: Make the field mandatory at signing.


This is a check box that the signer can either select or clear. Use check boxes when you want to enable signers to choose more than one option in a list.

Use Checkbox Group to place selected checkboxes in a group of associated boxes. If the sender sets any box in a group as required, then during signing the signer must select at least one member of the group.

Field Name

Recipient: Specify which signer(s) must complete the field.

Checkbox Group: Use this to place selected checkboxes in a group of associated boxes.

Default Value: Toggle On to check the box by default.

Is Required: Make the field mandatory at signing.


Radio buttons enable signers to select one of many predefined options. Use radio buttons when you want signers to choose only one option.

Use Radio Group to place selected radio buttons in a group of associated buttons. You can identify one button in the group as the Default, thus ensuring that it will be pre-selected.

To add a group of radio buttons, first select the signature field you would like to associate with this group. Radio groups are associated with signature approvals, and thus the same radio group can be used multiple times, with different signature fields.

Field Name

Recipient: Specify which signer(s) must complete the field.

Radio Group: Use this to place selected radio buttons in a group of associated buttons.

Default Value: Toggle On to select the radio button by default.

Is Required: Make the field mandatory at signing.


This is a drop-down list that offers recipients multiple predefined options. The signer can choose one option from the list. Once that option is selected, only that option is displayed, thus minimizing the amount of space this element occupies on the screen.

  • Field Name

  • Recipient: Specify which signer(s) must complete the field.

  • List: Enter the items that should be available in the drop-down list, one item per line.

  • Default Value: Pre-populate the drop-down list with one of the list items or leave this blank to omit a default selection.

  • Is Required: Ensure that the signer selects one item from the list.


This is a read only label that will be stamped on the PDF.

Field Name

Recipient: Specify which signer(s) must complete the field.

Default Value

Custom Fields

Custom Fields are created at the account level, and an account can have any number of Custom Fields. These fields are populated with signer-specific data at the time of signing.

For example, if an account users Custom Fields to collect the Agent Number for senders in their account profiles, then the custom field for Agent Number may appear in the list of field options.

Settings for custom fields are dependent on the type of field configured for the account.

For all the above fields except Capture Signature, Mobile Signature, Radio and Checkbox, the Field Settings pane has a Field

Formatting section that specifies a font size for the field (i.e., the font size that will be used for text in the field when the parent document is printed). The options are: (1) a specific font size; (2) Auto-fit (which will scale the text to fill its input box); (3) Inherit from parent (this is the default, and will use the font size defined at the transaction/template level).

When a Form-Building Field is added to a document that is part of a Virtual Room transaction, the Field Settings pane displays a toggle switch called Mask field in Virtual Room. If the sender slides that switch ON, during the Signer Experience the associated field will be visible only to: (1) the signer to whom the field is assigned; (2) the host of the Virtual Room session.

Remote Online Notarization Fields

When you drop these notarization fields into the document, the Field Settings panel displays to the right of the document.



Field Settings

RON Statement

A disclaimer indicating that this transaction was a RON transaction.

Recipient: Specify which signer(s) must complete the field.

Value: The text of the disclaimer.

Notary Name

The name of the notary involved in the transaction.

Layout and formatting settings

Notary Commission Number

A notary commission number is a unique identifier assigned to a notary public by the state government when they are appointed. This number is used to verify the notary’s authority to perform notarial acts, such as witnessing signatures and administering oaths

Layout and formatting settings

Notary Jurisdiction

The geographic area in which a notary public is authorized to perform notarial acts. For a list of supported jurisdictions, see Supported Jurisdictions.

Layout and formatting settings

Notary Country

The country where a notary public is authorized to perform their duties.

Layout and formatting settings

Notary Seal

The official seal used by the notary to authenticate documents.

Layout settings

Notary Commission Expiry Date

  • The expiry date of the notary's license.

Layout and formatting settings

Optional Signatures

The Optional Signature is a feature that may be enabled for your account. If the optional setting is enabled for a signature field, a recipient is not obliged to sign that field within a documents before completing the transaction.

The following signature types may be set as optional:

  • Click-to-Sign

  • Capture Signature

  • Mobile Signature

  • Click-to-Initial

  • Signer Initials

There are a number of safeguards in place to ensure that optional signatures are recognized and recorded on the transaction and that associated fields are managed correctly:

  • An autofield (such as the Signing Date or Signer Title) associated with an optional signature will only appear if the signature field is signed.

  • If an optional signature field is not signed, an empty signature field will remain on a transaction.

  • A signer must confirm a transaction before the system will retain the signer's optional signatures within the transaction's documents.

  • If a Signing Order has been set on a transaction, then the signer with the optional signature field must confirm the transaction before it can continue to the next signer.

  • Senders on mobile applications (iOS or Android) cannot create optional signatures.

  • Consent documents cannot be optional.

Conditional Fields

Conditional Fields enable Senders to configure IF-THEN conditional logic among two or more fields in a document. For example:

  • You can specify that IF a highlighted Text Field is not empty, THEN a particular Signature Field will be enabled — i.e., the signer must add text to the Text Field before they can sign the Signature Field.

  • You can specify that IF a highlighted Checkbox is checked, THEN all other fields in the document will be enabled — i.e., the signer must check the Checkbox before they can interact with any of the document's other fields.

  • Conditions cannot be applied to Custom Fields, Notary Fields, Auto-populated Fields (e.g., Name, Title, Date), Labels, or attachments.

  • Conditional logic cannot be applied across documents or across signers.

  • A mandatory field conditioned to be enabled or disabled should always be accompanied with a second condition that also makes it optional if the first condition is set to disabled. Failure to do this could prevent a recipient from being able to sign. Your conditional logic then, should include two conditions. For example:

    1. If Field A is selected, make Field B disabled.

    2. If Field A is selected, make Field B optional.

  • This feature is also available via the REST API and SDKs.

The following procedure describes how to configure conditional logic among a document's fields.

To configure conditional logic among fields added to a document:

  1. Add fields to your document. Conditional logic requires that: (1) you add more than one field; (2) at least one of the added fields be of type Text Field, Text Area, Checkbox, Radio, or List.

    Conditional logic can act on all five of the above types, as well as on Signatures and Signer Initials types.

  2. Click an added Text Field, Text Area, Checkbox, Radio, or List field that you want to use as the IF part of your desired conditional logic. A FIELD SETTINGS pane appears on the right of your screen.

    If you have a narrow screen, getting the FIELD SETTINGS pane to appear may require clicking three vertically aligned dots on the upper right of your screen.

  3. In that pane, expand the Conditional Logic tab.

  4. Configure the conditional logic you want between the field chosen in Step 2 and the document's other fields. The following table indicates which conditions are available for the various field types.

    Available Conditions

    Field Type


    IF ...

    Empty/Not empty

    Text Field, Text Area

    Determines if a Text Field or Text Area must be empty or not empty (in the IF part of your conditional logic)


    Checkbox, Radio

    Determines if a Checkbox or Radio Button must be checked or unchecked (in the IF part of your conditional logic)

    <Any Item in a List>


    This is a specified item from the list of items in your highlighted List field. The signer must select this value to satisfy the IF part of your conditional logic.

    THEN ...



    Determines if the selected field will be enabled or disabled (in the THEN part of your conditional logic). This therefore determines if the signer will be able to interact with that field.

    CAUTION: If a mandatory field is conditioned to be disabled, the signer’s experience will be broken – i.e., the signer won’t be able to sign. Thus if a mandatory field is conditioned to be disabled, it should also be conditioned to be optional. This will ensure that disabling the field will not break the signer’s experience.

    Make required


    Determines if the selected field will be required (in the THEN part of your conditional logic). This therefore determines if the signer will be required to interact with that field.

    Make optional


    Determines if the selected field will be optional (in the THEN part of your conditional logic). This therefore determines if the signer may optionally interact with that field.

  5. Click Save. Small icons appear on the right edge of all the fields that have been configured with conditional logic.

Video: How to use Optional Signatures

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