- 04 Dec 2024
- 1 Minute à lire
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- SombreLumière
Integrate the Digipass SDK
- Mis à jour le 04 Dec 2024
- 1 Minute à lire
- Impression
- SombreLumière
This procedure allows you to integrate and use the Digipass SDK in your Android project.
The Digipass SDK provides APIs with both ByteArrays and CharSequence for the passwords. OneSpan recommends using the APIs with ByteArrays because they are more secure. The CharSequence APIs are provided for convenience.
To use the Digipass SDK in your Android project
Add the DigipassSDK.aar library from the OneSpan Mobile Security Suite package to your build path.
Add the UtilitiesSDK.aar library from the OneSpan Mobile Security Suite package to your build path.
In order to use the Digipass SDK library, you also need to add the following external libraries to your maven/gradle project:
implementation 'androidx.annotation:annotation:1.3.0' implementation 'com.esotericsoftware:kryo:5.3.0' implementation 'org.bouncycastle:bcprov-jdk15on:1.70'
The functions of the API can now be called inside the application.
The integration of the Digipass SDK – C Edition into an iPhone application is straightforward, provided the iPhone development environment is all set (with Xcode IDE and iOS SDK version 12.0 or later). The API comes as a static library that needs to be included in an application.
Integrating the Digipass SDK (iOS)
Include the OneSpan Digipass SDK XCFramework (MSSDigipass.xcframework) in your Xcode project (linked framework and libraries).
Link UtilitiesSDK.xcframework from the OneSpan Mobile Security Suite package to your Xcode project.
In the Targets section of the IDE, add the static frameworks to the Link Binary with Libraries group to ensure the application is properly linked.
The functions of the API can now be called inside the application.
Before using any C function that applies the dynamic vector, its length must be retrieved using the DPSDK_GetDynamicVectorLength function. This function returns the amount of memory to allocate for the dynamic vector which prevents potential buffer overflows when upgrading to a version of Digipass SDK that needs a larger buffer to store the dynamic vector than a previous product version.
Your project must be linked with the -ObjC flag. This should be set in Other Linker Flags in the target's build settings. In a pbxproj project file, the raw key is OTHER_LDFLAGS.
For pure Objective C project you need to add a Swift file and create the Bringing Header file in order to use this Framework.