Integrate user credential input from an image
- 19 Oct 2024
- 1 Minute à lire
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- SombreLumière
Integrate user credential input from an image
- Mis à jour le 19 Oct 2024
- 1 Minute à lire
- Impression
- SombreLumière
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Mobile Authenticator Studio supports the input of user credentials for authenticator license activation requests as an image, either as a QR code or a Cronto image.
The content of the image must be generated using the Secure Messaging SDK Server 4.6.1 or later by calling the credential message generation functionality.
public static String generateCredentialsMessage(String registrationIdentifier, String authorizationCode,
String activationPassword, String userIdentifier) throws MessageSDKException
public static String GenerateCredentialsMessage(String registrationIdentifier, String authorizationCode,
String activationPassword, String userIdentifier)
The image can be generated using the Image Generator SDK 4.3.5 or later by calling either the QR code generation API or the Cronto image API.
public static BWQRCodeResponse generateBWQRCode(int imageSize, String inputValue, int errorCorrectionLevel) throws ImageGeneratorException
public static BufferedImage generateCrontoSign(int squareSize, String inputValue) throws ImageGeneratorSDKException
public static BWQRCodeResponse GenerateBWQRCode(int imageSize, String inputValue, int errorCorrectionLevel)
public static Bitmap GenerateCrontoSign(int squareSize, String inputValue)
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