Managing Senders
  • 08 Oct 2024
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Managing Senders

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Résumé de l’article

The Senders page enables you, as an Admin, to manage the list of senders associated with your account.

If Roles and Permissions have been enabled for your account, you have access to Manage Users rather than Manage Senders. This option is an administrative setting and can be enabled by contacting our Support Team.

This section discusses:

Viewing and Managing Senders

The Senders list is sorted by name. To toggle that sort order, click Name in the column header.

Senders are shown in gray if they have not yet accepted an invitation, or if they have a locked account.

The Senders list displays the following columns:

Field Name



Displays the sender's first and last names. If the sender has not yet accepted their invitation to join the account, their name is displayed as an Account Invitee


Displays the sender’s email address.


Displays the sender’s role. Possible roles for a sender are Owner, Manager, and Member. The default role of a new sender is Member. Only the account owner has the role of Owner .

Actions: You may not see all of these options in your account. Access to these settings is based on administrative settings.


Resend the account invitation email to the sender. This action is visible only for senders who have been invited to join the account, but who have not yet accepted the invitation.

Grant Manager Rights

Grant Manager rights for a sender. This will give the sender access to all areas in OneSpan Sign. This action is available only for an active sender whose role is Member.

Revoke Manager Rights

Revoke Manager rights for a sender. This action is available only for an active sender whose role is Manager.

Reset Password

Reset the sender’s password. An email will be sent to the sender with instructions on how to reset their password.

Lock Sender

Lock the sender's account. The sender will no longer have access to OneSpan Sign until the account is unlocked. This button is available only for active senders who are not the account owner, and whose accounts are not locked.

Unlock Sender

Unlocks the sender's account. This will restore the sender’s access to OneSpan Sign. This action is available only for senders whose accounts are locked.

Assign Delegates

Assign delegates for the selected sender. This button is available only for active senders. Upon clicking this button, a dialog box displays the delegation for the active sender. This action is available only if the Delegate Access feature is enabled for the account.

In situations where an account has been locked, Administrators and Managers can now assign delegates for that account. This is useful if, for example, a user has left the company.


Deletes the sender from the account. If the sender owns any transactions, instead of being deleted, the sender's account is locked.

Searching for a Sender

To search for a sender associated with your account:

  1. Click Admin > Senders.

  2. Type your search criteria (first name, last name, email address) and click the magnifying glass.

Inviting a New Sender to Join Your Account

To invite a new sender to join your account:

  • Click Invite by email, and type the sender's email address.
    The sender will receive an email invitation to join your account. In particular, when they click the Account Registration link in their invitation email, the Account Registration page will open in their browser.

If an account is created for a new sender, any transactions that the sender was asked to sign BEFORE activating their OneSpan Sign account will not be available in their new account - an error message will appear if they try to access those transactions. To view transactions that were sent to the sender before they activated their OneSpan Sign account they will need to use the transaction email notification that was originally sent to them.

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What's Next
Changing your password will log you out immediately. Use the new password to log back in.
First name must have atleast 2 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
Last name must have atleast 1 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
Enter a valid email
Enter a valid password
Your profile has been successfully updated.

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