- 23 Oct 2024
- 1 Minute à lire
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- SombreLumière
Exposed APIs of the Orchestration SDK: Device Data Collection
- Mis à jour le 23 Oct 2024
- 1 Minute à lire
- Impression
- SombreLumière
New APIs are created for Swift users of the iOS SDK. For more information, refer to the Xcode API documentation on CDDCDataFeeder and CDDCMessageParameters.
Device data collection can be optionally configured with a CDDCParams object. The following parameters can be configured:
Refresh interval. The interval (in seconds) at which device data is refreshed. Default: 60 seconds.
Optional device data. The collection of certain device data types (i.e. geolocation, Bluetooth, and Wi-Fi) requires specific permissions. By default, these data types are not collected. For more information about required permissions on Android, see Integrating the Orchestration SDK.
Most of the device data is collected automatically by the Orchestration SDK. Device data which cannot be collected automatically can be provided by the Customer Mobile Application, by using the CDDCDataFeeder object.
The CDDCDataFeeder object must be retrieved using the getCDDCDataFeeder method of the Orchestrator object.
The Orchestrator object provides the getCDDCMessage method to transmit the collected device data to the OneSpan Trusted Identity platform without using an orchestration command.
A CDDCMessageParams object must be provided as an input parameter of the getCDDCMessage method.
The CDDCMessageParams object must be initiated with the following parameters:
User identifier. A string which uniquely identifies the user on the OneSpan Trusted Identity platform.
Encrypted. Indicates whether the data must be encrypted.
Event Name. A string representing an event related to the collected data. For more information, refer to the Client Device Data Collector SDKIntegration Guide.
Application Data. A JSON string representing additional data to add in the CDDC message. For more information, refer to the Client Device Data Collector SDKIntegration Guide.
For more information about this feature, see Device data collection.