Transaction Reports
  • 08 Oct 2024
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Transaction Reports

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Résumé de l’article

Transaction Reports are created by the system. They provide customers with data about transactions on their account (e.g., information about senders, signers, and key events)

To access Transaction Reports:

  1. From the Navigation Bar, click the Reports menu and select Transaction Reports. The Transaction Reports page appears.

  2. If you want to open a Transaction Report, click its name. The table below describes the parameters that appear in a Transaction Report.

  3. If you want to download or delete a Transaction Report, select the report and click the download or delete icon.

    If you want to download or delete multiple Transaction Reports at the same time, select their check boxes before you click the download or delete icon.



account name

Name of the account

account uid

The account's unique identification number

account email

Email address of the sender’s account

account company

Name of the company associated with the account

transaction uid

The transaction's unique identification number

transaction status

Status of the transaction

Possible values:

  • DRAFT — The transaction has been created, but has not yet been sent.

  • SENT — The transaction has been distributed for signing, but has not yet been completed.

  • COMPLETED — The transaction has been signed by all recipients.

  • OPTED OUT — The transaction has at least one recipient who has opted out of signing the document(s).

  • DECLINED — The transaction has at least one recipient who has declined to sign the document(s).

  • EXPIRED — The transaction has expired (its expiry date is in the past).

  • ARCHIVED — The transaction has been archived.

transaction deleted

Flag that indicates if the transaction has been deleted

Possible values:

  • TRUE


transaction origin

Product that originated the transaction

Possible values:

  • OSS

  • Fasttrack

  • Bulk

  • Api

transaction start date

Date on which the transaction was created

transaction sent date

Date on which the transaction was sent for signing

transaction updated date

Dates on which the transaction was updated after being sent

transaction completed date

Date on which the transaction was completed

in person transaction

Flag that indicates if this is an in-person transaction

Possible values:

  • TRUE


virtual room transaction

Flag that indicates if this is a Virtual Room transaction

Possible values:

  • TRUE


transaction name

Name of the transaction

transaction minutes from creation to sending

Number of minutes between when the transaction was created and when it was sent for signing

transaction minutes from creation to completing

Number of minutes between when the transaction was created and when it was completed

transaction declined

Flag that indicates if the transaction’s status is DECLINED

Possible values:

  • TRUE


transaction declined reason

Declared reason why the transaction was declined

transaction scheduled purge date

Date on which the transaction is scheduled to be purged from the OneSpan Sign databases

transaction purge date

Date on which the transaction is purged

Note: This parameter is not available yet.

transaction expire date

Date on which the transaction expires

transaction external archival

The external archive used to store this transaction (for example, Trust Vault.

transaction size after signing

The size of the transaction after all documents have been signed.

sender department

Department to which the sender belongs The value is entered in a Custom Field named department, which could be used as metadata.

sender uid

The sender's unique identification number

sender firstname

The sender’s first name

sender lastname

The sender’s last name

sender email

The sender’s email address

document count

Number of documents in the transaction

page count per document

Number of pages in each document

document name

Name of the document

Note: When a transaction has multiple documents, their delimiter is a vertical bar. For example, if a transaction had two documents named ABC and XYZ, the correct value for this parameter would be |ABC|XYZ

signer uid

A signer's unique identification number

Note: When a transaction has multiple signers, their delimiter is a vertical bar “|”. This convention applies to this parameter, and to all parameters below this one in this table.

signer email

Signer's email address

signer firstname

Signer’s first name

signer lastname

Signer’s last name

signer sms phone number

Signer’s phone number to which SMS messages will be sent

signer sms phone number country

Country of the signer’s SMS phone number

signer company

Company to which the signer belongs

signer minutes from first access to completing

Number of minutes between when the signer first accessed the transaction and when they completed it

signer title

Signer’s title

signer order

Order in which multiple signers will sign

Note: The value 0|0 means that no order is being imposed on two signers.

signer status

Signer’s status

Possible values:






signer has declined

Flag that indicates if the signer has declined to sign one or more documents

Possible values:

  • TRUE


signer declined reason

Declared reason why the signer declined to sign

signer open transaction date

Date on which the signer opened the transaction

signer accept econsent date

Date on which the signer accepted the electronic Consent Form

signer start signing date

Date on which the signer started signing the transaction’s documents

signer completed date

Date on which the signer completed the transaction

signer is locked

Flag that indicates if the signer is locked out of the transaction

Possible values:

  • TRUE


signer has attached mandatory files

Number of required attachments the signer has uploaded to the transaction

Example: The value 1/1|2/3 indicates that the first signer attached their only mandatory file, while the second signer attached two of their three mandatory files.

signer has attached all files

Number of all attachments the signer has uploaded to the transaction

Example: The value 1/2|0/0 indicates that the first signer attached one of their two requested files, while the second signer wasn’t asked to attach any files.

signer sms authentication

Flag that indicates if the signer must use the SMS authentication method

Possible values:

  • TRUE


failed sms authentication

Number of times the signer tried but failed to authenticate themselves via SMS

signer sms attempts

Number of attempts the signer made to authenticate themselves using the SMS method

signer kba authentication

Flag that indicates if the signer must use the KBA authentication method

Possible values:

  • TRUE


signer qna authentication

Flag that indicates if the signer must use the Q&A authentication method

Possible values:

  • TRUE


signer idv authentication

Flag that indicates if the signer must use the ID Verification authentication method

Possible values:

  • TRUE


count of documents signed

Number of documents signed

method of signing

The signing method used (e.g., PCC)

start datetime of virtual room session

Date and time when a past Virtual Room session started

end datetime of virtual room session

Date and time when a past Virtual Room session ended

virtual room session duration

Duration in minutes of a past Virtual Room session

number of participants in virtual room session

Number of participants in a past Virtual Room session

virtual room composition created time

Date and time when a "composition" of Virtual Room recordings was created. In this context, a composition is a file that contains all the tracks that were recorded during a Virtual Room session.

virtual room composition start time

Start time for the first recording within a Virtual Room recording composition

virtual room composition end time

End time for the last recording within a Virtual Room recording composition

virtual room composition duration

Duration in seconds of a Virtual Room recording composition

virtual room composition number of participants

Maximum number of participants in a Virtual Room recording composition

start datetime of co-browsing session

Date and time when a co-browsing session started

end datetime of co-browsing session

Date and time when a co-browsing session ended

co-browsing duration

The duration of a co-browsing session

type of document verification

Type of ID Verification

Possible values:

  • Document Verification Only

  • Document Verification with Facial Comparison

successful idv attempts

Number of times the signer successfully authenticated themselves using ID Verification

failed idv attempts

Number of times the signer tried but failed to authenticate themselves using ID Verification

idv attempts total

Number of attempts the signer made to authenticate themselves using ID Verification

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