Use Case Scenario: Registration
  • 28 Oct 2024
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Use Case Scenario: Registration

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Résumé de l’article

Involved OneSpan solutions:

  • Intelligent Adaptive Authentication

  • Mobile Security Suite

Workflow tree in Access Manager:

This use case occurs when you create a new user account on the MyBank page.

About this scenario

This scenario simulates a possible user onboarding workflow. When you create a new user account on the MyBank page, you need to enter user data in an HTML form. In addition, you can download the OneSpan TID IAA Mobile Demo App and activate a authenticator license on the device for this new user.

During the registration process, Intelligent Adaptive Authentication analyzes the risk factors including the IP address, the web browser, and mobile environment.

Before you begin

Walkthrough: Account opening

To open an account

  1. From the ForgeRock Landing Service, open the MyBank page.

  2. On the MyBank page, click New Account to create a new bank user.

  3. Do one of the following:

    • Scan the QR code to download the OneSpan TID IAA Mobile Demo App.

    • If you have already downloaded and installed the app, click Continue.

  4. Fill in and submit the registration form.

  5. Scan the Cronto image with your OneSpan TID IAA Mobile Demo App.

  6. Type your PIN to complete the account creation.

To view the tree in Access Manager

  1. From the ForgeRock Landing Service, open the Access Manager.

  2. If required, log in with the credentials that are displayed when hovering over the Access Manager link on the ForgeRock Landing Service.

  3. Click Top Level Realm.

  4. Select Authentication > Trees from the sidebar menu.

  5. Click OneSpanUserRegistrationTree and view the individual nodes of the workflow.

You can also modify the workflow by adding and connecting tree nodes as needed.

To demonstrate how changes in the Access Manager workflow immediately affect the registration process on the MyBank page, you can remove the Download App Page node from the workflow and connect the Start node with the Signup Form node instead. Then save your changes.

When you now start a new registration process on the MyBank page, the QR code to download the OneSpan TID IAA Mobile Demo App is no longer displayed after clicking New Account.

For a list of available OneSpan trees and nodes, see Overview of OneSpan authentication trees and nodes.

Additional considerations

  • The PIN defined for the OneSpan TID IAA Mobile Demo App is known by the device only and not shared with the server.

Next steps

After completing this scenario, you can continue with Use case scenario: Login.

Cet article vous a-t-il été utile ?

Changing your password will log you out immediately. Use the new password to log back in.
First name must have atleast 2 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
Last name must have atleast 1 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
Enter a valid email
Enter a valid password
Your profile has been successfully updated.

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