Scenario: Insert Transaction
  • 11 Nov 2024
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Scenario: Insert Transaction

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Article summary

This scenario uses the workflow tree illustrated in Insert transaction workflow tree.

Insert transaction workflow tree

Before you begin

Ensure that you have completed the steps described in Getting started with OneSpan Authentication for ForgeRock.

Walkthrough: Insert transaction

Walkthrough: Insert transaction

  1. Use the following URL to start the process:


    The ForgeRock login dialog is displayed.

  2. Enter your the transaction details.

    This workflow uses the OneSpan Sample Attributes Collector node to obtain the required transaction details.

    ForgeRock login dialog

  3. If no step-up authentication is configured in Risk Analytics Presentation Service, the outcome will be Accept or Decline, depending on the risk score.

    However, because of the rules you defined in the course of the product setup for transaction amounts less than 100, step-up authentication (ChallengePin) is required.

    According to the Interactive API Reference > TransactionOutput schema > riskResponseCode attribute, if the challenge type is ChallengePin, the API returns a risk response code of 22.

  4. The OneSpan Risk Analytics Send Transaction node stores the risk response code in the shared state as riskResponseCode, which can later be retrieved with the Scripted Decision node, and which determines the required authentication steps.

Additional considerations

The workflow tree uses the following sample node:

The OneSpan Sample nodes are provided and included in the OneSpan Authentication for ForgeRock package for demonstration purposes only. You should not use these nodes in production environments, but replace them with your own node implementations.

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