- 24 Oct 2024
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MyHealth Demo Release Notes
- Updated on 24 Oct 2024
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November 2023March 2022October 2021August 2021July 2021
November 2023
New features and enhancements
Use production Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM)
The solution demo now uses the Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM) production environment.
Demo AAS app updated to version 2.0
The demo AAS app has been completely rewritten based on Google Flutter Framework. The new demo app provides a couple of advantages:
A completely redesigned MyBank Demo mobile app.
Support for multiple user profiles.
Configurable app shielding demo technology.
The possibility to see what happens behind the scenes with Mobile Security Suite/Intelligent Adaptive Authentication integration, with logs and debug messages.
GSOL-3157: Updated Google Analytics to Google Tag Manager
The Google Analytics tags were updated to Google Tag Manager. Additionally, the error handling has been improved.
GSOL-3073: User recordID now automatically incremented
In previous versions, the record ID was initially set to 0 for each new user record. Beginning with this release, the user record ID is a unique and automatically increasing number. Existing user record IDs are automatically updated to the next available largest ID associated with the respective tenant application reference (appRef).
Furthermore, this change includes a couple of various related fixes, including fixes related to the event field list, login and login message.
GSOL-3150, GSOL-3139, GSOL-3069: Updated Intelligent Adaptive Authentication API calls
The code base has been updated to use the latest Intelligent Adaptive Authentication API. The TID platform APIs was replaced with TID service APIs, hence deprecated operations have been replaced by their corresponding substitutions or have been refactored.
Administrative delete was fixed, administrative unlock was added.
Cross-origin resource sharing (CORS) handling was added to the Sessions API.
The riskResponseCode API changed, the demos were adjusted accordingly.
GSOL-3067: MADS BMA package updated to 1.2
Fixes and other changes
GSOL-3129: Event date format error
Description: In certain circumstances, the data validation of the event data can fail with a "Value must not exceed 20 characters" message. In particular, all months except September are abbreviated with 3 letters, but Sept is 4.
Status: This issue has been fixed. The demo code was updated to circumvent the TID limitation that all months must be 3 letters.
GSOL-3102: Subject too long error
Description: The subject of a login and transaction signing message cannot exceed 42 characters. The title of such messages cannot exceed 30 characters.
Status: This issue has been fixed. The newly introduced TID service API limits the title field to 30 character limit, the demos have been adjusted accordingly..
March 2022
New features and enhancements
New platform 2.0 released
A new version of the demo platform has been released. It provides the following key enhancements:
Faster deployments
Capacity for more demos
Modularization of services to reuse them between demos
Demo AAS app updated to version 1.1.6
GSOL-2407, GSOL-2391: New MADS BMA download page
A download page for the new MADS BMA app has been added. Respective PDF documentation for the MADS BMA app is available from main page and the downloads page.
GSOL-2404: Multi-user support
The MyBank Demo website now supports multiple users.
GSOL-2221: New troubleshooting log collection service
sc-logz was moved to new typescript/node format.
GSOL-2017: UX enhancement when user enters tenant information
When a user submits a tenant to check on common sites, the submit button now shows a spinner animation while the check is in progress.
Fixes and other changes
GSOL-2399: Intelligent Adaptive Authentication failure with CORS error
Description: A CORS issue occurs when a Cronto image expires immediately on /v1/checksessionstatus.
Status: This issue has been fixed.
GSOL-2313: Incorrect error handling during OneSpan Sign processes
Description: When a OneSpan Sign document creates an error, the error is thrown in the OneSpan Sign common class as a promise error that cannot be handled.
Status: This issue has been fixed.
GSOL-2182: Timer issue when canceling the registration
Description: Under some circumstances, a timer issue occurs when users attempt to cancel a registration process.
Status: This issue has been fixed.
GSOL-2178: Incorrect app download link
Description: When users completed the signup process, the download link to the app incorrectly directs them to the staging environment.
Status: This issue has been fixed.
GSOL-2134: Optical issue with expired Cronto images
Status: This issue has been fixed.
GSOL-2086: SMS option incorrectly available
Description: In some dialogs, a Send SMS button is available, although sending SMS is currently not supported.
Status: This issue has been fixed. The respective buttons have been removed.
October 2021
New features and enhancements
GSOL-2088: Removed all non-module files
Non-module files have been removed from all common sites. As a consequence, you need to import each module that you want to use. The used file types are now consistent across all platform solutions.
GSOL-2084: Contact us link redirects to forums
Contact Us links on site headers and footers have been changed to redirect to the Community Portal forums instead of support.
GSOL-2038: Message delivery improvements
The way messages are delivered through the new message delivery service has been cleaned up and reconfigured. Emails and SMS for sign-up and downloads are now sent via the message delivery service when specific actions are taken on the demo sites.
GSOL-2032: REST API changed to use PUT requests
The REST API has been changed to Firebase to accept PUT requests instead of GET requests.
GSOL-1802: Updated MyHealth Demo main page
The MyHealth Demo main page has been updated with new pictures, borders, and more detailed text about OneSpan solutions.
August 2021
New features and enhancements
GSOL-618: Zip code library changed to zipcodebase.com
The embedded zip code library (Zippopotam.us) has been replaced with zipcodebase.com for all sign-up forms.
Fixes and other changes
GSOL-2002: Settings dialog appears with each waiting dialog
Description: The Settings dialog appears every time a waiting modal dialog is shown.
Status: This issue has been fixed. The Settings dialog is now correctly shown only if the Settings icon has been clicked.
GSOL-1977: Error in Settings dialog
Description: An issue in the Settings module caused by an improperly formatted Settings object leads to a 414 error response.
Status: This issue has been fixed.
GSOL-1973: Error when deleting an already deleted user
Description: When attempting to delete a user account that has already been deleted in TID, the Admin page throws an error and remains unresponsive.
Status: This issue has been fixed. The user is now removed from the local storage. Any related error returned by TID is ignored.
GSOL-1967: Zip code not updated when selecting another country
Description: When changing the selected country, the zip code list retains its current value and is not updated to match the respective country/city.
Status: This issue has been fixed.
GSOL-1119: Error when using UK and Brazil zip codes
Description: When attempting to use UK or Brazil zip codes (even valid ones), a 404 error response is returned.
Status: This issue has been fixed. Valid zip codes in the UK and Brazil will now properly populate the City field in sign-up forms.
July 2021
New features and enhancements
Common list for preferred countries
All platform sites now share a common list for preferred countries in the Mobile Phone and Country drop-down lists. These settings can be overridden via a settingsDialog JSON file.
Settings are now modules
The settings and OneSpan Sign settings are now accessible as modules, which facilitates loading and enhances reusability.
Default country arrays now available via Settings module
The default country arrays have been moved to the Settings module, which can be overridden via the settingsDialog JSON file. The Mobile Phone and Country drop-down lists can now easily be placed anywhere.
New OneSpan Sign forms
Two new forms are now available: a health onboarding form, available during registration, and a patient consent form, available after login in the Patient Consent tab.
OneSpan Sign Settings dialog added to MyHealth Demo portal
The OneSpan Sign Settings dialog has been added to the MyHealth Demo portal, which allows users to select which forms are shown in MyHealth Demo.
Fixes and other changes
GSOL-1354: Tenant information not in lower case
Description: The tenant information is not converted to lower case if it is passed in another format.
Status: This issue has been fixed. The settings configuration will now convert the tenant information to lower case, regardless of whether it is received from the Community Portal or via the pop-up window.
GSOL-927: Issue with Cronto progress bar
Description: In the Cronto progress bar, the timer shifts its position as time decreases.
Status: This issue has been fixed. The timer stays in the middle of the bar, and it will also change its color once the progress bar has decreased past it.