- 10 Oct 2024
- 12 Minutes to read
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- DarkLight
Retrieving an Audit Trail
- Updated on 10 Oct 2024
- 12 Minutes to read
- Print
- DarkLight
Java SDK
To download the full code sample see our Code Share site.
A document’s Audit Trail contains the digital certificate used to sign, as well as the signature block image, time stamp and unique signer identification information. The document and the e-signatures it contains are tamper-sealed with a digital signature to guarantee the integrity and authenticity of the e-signed record. Especially relevant in a multi-signer process, OneSpan Sign independently time stamps and locks down each signature and any data entered by each signer independently of the others. So when you review the audit trail even years later, it is clear who signed what, in what order, at what time, etc.
To retrieve an audit trail you must first create your EslClient using your API_Key and your API_URL. The following code will do this:
public static final String API_KEY = "YOUR_API_KEY";
public static final String API_URL = "https://sandbox.esignlive.com/api";
EslClient eslClient = new EslClient( API_KEY, API_URL );
The API_URL that you will be using depends on your environment. For example:
For Sandbox environments, use
For Production environments, use
For more information, see Environment URLs and IP Addresses.
Next, create a new PackageId object using a static PackageId string. Normally this would be generated dynamically, but for this example a static value is used. The following code will do this:
PackageId packageId = new PackageId("PACKAGE_ID");
Then create of list of audit information and your list iterator.
List<Audit> auditList = eslClient.getAuditService().getAudit(packageId);
Iterator<Audit> iter = auditList.iterator();
Finally, you can use a loop to navigate through the list of Audit information. With each loop, the different property values are printed to the console.
Audit myaudit = iter.next();
System.out.println("DateTime - " + myaudit.getDateTime() + ", Type - " + myaudit.getType() + ", User - " + myaudit.getUser() + ", Email - " + myaudit.getEmail() + ", IP - " + myaudit.getIp() + ", Target - " + myaudit.getTarget() + ", Data - " + myaudit.getData());
Here is an example of what you can expect to see once you have run your code.
To download the full code sample see our Code Share site.
A document’s Audit Trail contains the digital certificate used to sign, as well as the signature block image, time stamp and unique signer identification information. The document and the e-signatures it contains are tamper-sealed with a digital signature to guarantee the integrity and authenticity of the e-signed record. Especially relevant in a multi-signer process, OneSpan Sign independently time stamps and locks down each signature and any data entered by each signer independently of the others. So when you review the audit trail even years later, it is clear who signed what, in what order, at what time, etc.
Retrieving an Audit Trail
To retrieve an audit trail you must first create your EslClient using your API_Key and your API_URL. The following code will do this:
String apiUrl = "https://sandbox.esignlive.com/api";
String apiKey = "YOUR_API_KEY";
EslClient eslClient = new EslClient(apiKey, apiUrl);
The API_URL that you will be using depends on your environment. For example:
For Sandbox environments, use
For Production environments, use
For more information, see Environment URLs and IP Addresses.
Next, create a new PackageId object using a static PackageId string. Normally this would be generated dynamically, but for this example a static value is used. The following code will do this:
PackageId packageId = new PackageId("PACKAGE_ID");
Then create of list of audit information and your list iterator.
List<Audit> myaudit = eslClient.AuditService.GetAudit(packageId);
List<Audit>.Enumerator myenum = myaudit.GetEnumerator();
Finally, you can use a loop to navigate through the list of Audit information. With each loop, the different property values are printed to the console.
Debug.WriteLine("DateTime - " + myenum.Current.dateTime + ", Type - " + myenum.Current.type + ", User - " + myenum.Current.user + ", Email - " + myenum.Current.email + ", IP - " + myenum.Current.ip + ", Target - " + myenum.Current.target + ", Data - " + myenum.Current.data);
Here is an example of what you can expect to see once you have run your code.
To download the full code sample see our Code Share site.
A document’s Audit Trail contains the digital certificate used to sign, as well as the signature block image, time stamp and unique signer identification information. The document and the e-signatures it contains are tamper-sealed with a digital signature to guarantee the integrity and authenticity of the e-signed record. Especially relevant in a multi-signer process, OneSpan Sign independently time stamps and locks down each signature and any data entered by each signer independently of the others. So when you review the audit trail even years later, it is clear who signed what, in what order, at what time, etc.
Retrieving an Audit Trail
To retrieve the audit trail of a package, you will need the PackageId, which is returned to you during package creation.
HTTP Request
GET /api/packages/{packageId}/audit
HTTP Headers
Accept: application/json
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Basic api_key
Response Payload
"package-id": "c2e57376-7391-4559-8da9-5d0ed4a24c56",
"audit-events": [
"type": "Signing Session For Signer",
"date-time": "2016-04-20 14:14:51",
"target": "signing url group",
"user": "somegroup",
"user-email": "9fe0d028-0572-4731-8520-99191340d78f@groups.esignlive.com",
"user-ip": "",
"data": "Signing session to signer : 9fe0d028-0572-4731-8520-99191340d78f@groups.esignlive.com(somegroup"
"type": "View",
"date-time": "2016-04-20 14:14:54",
"target": "doc1",
"user": "somegroup",
"user-email": "9fe0d028-0572-4731-8520-99191340d78f@groups.esignlive.com",
"user-ip": "",
"data": null
"type": "Click To Sign",
"date-time": "2016-04-20 14:23:31",
"target": "doc1",
"user": "somegroup",
"user-email": "9fe0d028-0572-4731-8520-99191340d78f@groups.esignlive.com",
"user-ip": "",
"data": "Approval: FAPOezPt0H8E"
"type": "View",
"date-time": "2016-04-20 15:20:47",
"target": "doc1",
"user": "Haris Haidary",
"user-email": "esl.signer1@example.com",
"user-ip": "",
"data": null
"type": "View",
"date-time": "2016-04-20 15:23:52",
"target": "doc1",
"user": "Haris Haidary",
"user-email": "esl.signer1@example.com",
"user-ip": "",
"data": null
"type": "View",
"date-time": "2016-04-20 15:44:41",
"target": "doc1",
"user": "Haris Haidary",
"user-email": "esl.signer1@example.com",
"user-ip": "",
"data": null
"type": "View",
"date-time": "2016-04-20 15:44:47",
"target": "doc1",
"user": "Haris Haidary",
"user-email": "esl.signer1@example.com",
"user-ip": "",
"data": null
Retrieving a list of image URLs for IDV Evidence Summary
You may need to retrieve a list of image URLs for signers who use ID Verification (IDV). The resulting list could the URLs for the document image, or a selfie image.
To retreive a list of image url(s), you will need the PackageId, which is returned to you during package creation.
HTTP Request
GET /api/packages/{packageId}/audit/idv/dvrImageUrls
HTTP Headers
Accept: application/json
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Basic api_key
Response Payload
"signerName": "Signer Name",
"email": "signerEmail@mailinator.com",
"idvImages": {
"<singer_id>": {
"idvTransactionId": "<idv_tx_id_1>",
"attemptNumber": <attemptNumber>,
"imageInformationList": [
"type": "PassportDataPage",
"detail": "",
"url": "image url for download purpose"
"signerName": "Signer Name",
"email": "signerEmail@mailinator.com",
"idvImages": {
"<singer_id>": {
"idvTransactionId": "<idv_tx_id_2>",
"attemptNumber": <attemptNumber>,
"imageInformationList": [
"type": "PassportDataPage",
"detail": "",
"url": "image url for download purpose"
Retrieving a Signer Image for the IDV Evidence Summary
You may need to retrieve an image of a signer who used ID Verification (IDV). The resulting list could the URLs for the document image, or a selfie image.
To retreive a list of image url(s), you will need the PackageId, IDV Transaction ID, and the Image URL which can be found by Retrieving a list of image URLs for IDV Evidence Summary .
HTTP Request
GET /api/packages/{packageId}/audit/idv/dvrSignerImage?idvTransactionId={idvTransactionId}&imageUrl={imageUrl}
HTTP Headers
Authorization: Basic api_key
Response Payload
The required image, in binary format.
Retrieving an IDV Evidence Summary in JSON format
The IDV Evidence Summary contains the following:
The signer's personal information
Document information
The summary and details of the verification result
HTTP Request
GET /api/packages/{packageId}/audit/idv
HTTP Headers
Accept: application/json
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Basic api_key
Response Payload
"package-id": "-IpfLqlL39APrbpZ3M_Nx9o6Iq0=","idv-audit-trail": [
"signerName": "Signer Name",
"signerId": "Signer Id",
"idvSupplementalInformationMap": {
"<idv_tx_id>": {
"attemptNumber": <attemptNumber>,
"idVerificationAttemptWithResult": {
"result": "Passed",
"created": "2023-06-13 14:41:52.603",
"idVerificationAttempts": [
"matchType": "Full Name",
"submitted": "Submitted Signer Name",
"extracted": "Extracted Signer Name",
"score": "1.0",
"threshold": "0.8",
"affectStatus": "Yes",
"status": "Passed"
"matchType": "Expiry Date",
"submitted": "2022-10-10",
"extracted": "2024-10-10",
"score": "N/A",
"threshold": "N/A",
"affectStatus": "Yes",
"status": "Passed"
"idVerificationPersonalInformationList": [
"zone": "MergedZones",
"firstName": "First Name",
"lastName": "Last Name",
"dob": "1980-10-10",
"gender": "Female",
"nationality": null,
"address": null
"idVerificationDocInformationList": [
"zone": "MergedZones",
"type": "DriverLicense",
"issuingAuthority": "DVLA",
"issuingCountry": "GB",
"issuingState": null,
"nationality": null,
"number": "DriverLicense Number",
"identificationNumber": null,
"expiryDate": "2028-01-12",
"issueDate": "2018-01-12"
To download the full code sample see our Code Share site.
A document’s Audit Trail contains the digital certificate used to sign, as well as the signature block image, time stamp and unique signer identification information. The document and the e-signatures it contains are tamper-sealed with a digital signature to guarantee the integrity and authenticity of the e-signed record. Especially relevant in a multi-signer process, OneSpan Sign independently time stamps and locks down each signature and any data entered by each signer independently of the others. So when you review the audit trail even years later, it is clear who signed what, in what order, at what time, etc.
First, retrieve the list of Audit information by using the following encapsulated function. Use your packageId as the parameter.
public List<TestAuditService.Audit> getAudit(String packageId)
Then, you can use a loop to navigate through the list of Audit information. With each loop, the different property values are printed to the console.
List<TestAuditService.Audit> auditList = getAudit(packageId);
for(TestAuditService.Audit audit: auditList){
System.debug('DateTime - ' + audit.date_time + ', Type - ' + audit.type + ', User - ' + audit.user + ', Email -' + audit.user_email + ', IP - ' + audit.user_ip + ', Target - ' + audit.target + ', Data - ' + audit.data);
Here is an example of what you can expect to see once you have run your code.