- 28 Oct 2024
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Working with Projects on the ForgeRock Landing Service
- Updated on 28 Oct 2024
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The ForgeRock Landing Service is the starting point of the OneSpan for ForgeRock Demo and your dashboard of the platform. On this page, you can create new projects and access all platform components.
Creating new projects
The first step when working with the demo is to create a new project. This will set up your own demo environment which includes, among other components, the MyBank page and Access Manager of this project.
To create a project
Log in to the Community Portal.
Navigate to the Demos page and switch to Customizable.
Under My products, click OneSpan for ForgeRock. The ForgeRock Landing Service is opened in a new browser tab.
Click Create a New Project.
Type the project name and select your region.
For best network performance select the region nearest to your physical location.
Click Start Project Creation.
Your demo environment is now being built, which may take some time.
When project creation has completed, the new project is added to the list and you can access the project's components.
You can create as many projects as needed, but idle projects will be removed after 30 days of inactivity.
Project components
After project creation has finished, you can access the project and work with it. Each project comprises the following tools and components:
MyBank Page
On this demo banking website, you can go through the workflows defined in the Access Manager from a bank customer's point of view. You can create a new account, log in to the page with or without step-up authentication, create and approve a transaction, and validate an event.
The workflows on this demo page correspond to the respective OneSpan authentication trees in the Access Manager, and all saved changes to the trees will immediately take effect on the MyBank page.
Access Manager
The Access Manager is a web-based tool for defining authentication and access management workflows. You can create and adapt workflow trees by dragging-and-dropping tree nodes back and forth, and connecting them as needed.
The Access Manager contains pre-defined authentication trees for the workflows that are available on the MyBank page. The tree nodes represent the individual steps of the corresponding workflow. When going through the workflow scenarios on the MyBank page, you can always refer back to the authentication trees and the individual tree nodes in the Access Manager.
For a list of OneSpan authentication trees and nodes, see Overview of OneSpan authentication trees and nodes. For detailed information about and instructions to work with the Access Manager, see the ForgeRock product documentation.
Server Config
On the Server Config page you can view server details and other system properties of the project.
On this page, you can enable debugging and define the debug levels recorded in the log files (see Logging and debugging).
Plug-in Manager
This page lists the plug-ins that are currently installed for your project. Each plug-in provides a set of different tree nodes that you can use to configure your authentication workflows.
By default, each project has a set of default plug-ins installed, which provide all the authentication nodes required for the OneSpan for ForgeRock Demo workflows.
If you want to customize the workflows with additional nodes, you can obtain other plug-ins from the ForgeRock Marketplace and load them via this page (see Managing ForgeRock Access Management plug-ins).
Log Viewer
With this tool you can view log files for individual debug categories. The content of the log files depends on the debug levels defined on the Debug page.