Configuring Ad Hoc Group Languages
  • 24 Mar 2025
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Configuring Ad Hoc Group Languages

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Configuring Ad Hoc Group Language

It will be possible to set a language for the Ad Hoc Group.

When the Limit Supported Languages feature is turned off for the account, a Language drop-down will be available within the Ad Hoc Group Recipient Settings tab, allowing for the selecting of a language. The language will default to the transaction language.

When the Limit Supported Languages feature is turned on for the account, a Language drop-down as well as a Use transaction language toggle will be available within the Ad Hoc Group Recipient Settings tab, allowing you to select a language from the list of supported languages. The language will default to the Transaction language and the Use transaction language toggle will be turned on.

It will be possible to turn off the Use transaction language toggle to select a different language from the list of supported languages.

Defining a language for individual members within a given ad hoc group is not supported.

Applying Ad Hoc Group Language

When a transaction containing an ad hoc group recipient is sent for signing, each member of that group will receive the email invitation to sign. The email will be addressed to the Group, and will be in the language defined for that Group.

If the recipient is a member in more than one ad hoc group, they will receive a separate email for each ad hoc group, each one in the language of the respective group.

When accessing the signing ceremony as an ad hoc group member who is also an individual signer, the signing ceremony will be displayed in the language specified for the individual signer.

When accessing the signing ceremony as an ad hoc group member only, the signing ceremony will be displayed in the language specified for the respective group. If the signer belongs to more than 1 ad hoc group, and is not also an individual signer, the signing ceremony will be displayed in the language of the first ad hoc group (based on creation order) by default.

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