OneSpan Sign for Salesforce QuickStart Guide
  • 07 Oct 2024
  • 8 Minutes à lire
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OneSpan Sign for Salesforce QuickStart Guide

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Résumé de l’article

OneSpan Sign provides a complete e-signature platform for the Web, including preparing, distributing, reviewing, signing, and downloading documents.

A connector called OneSpan Sign Embedded Integration for Salesforce enables its users to quickly obtain secure and compliant electronic signatures for transactions created in that connector.

Not all OneSpan Sign features are supported by an integration with this Connector. However, most if not all, features supported by this integration can be found in this Connector's documentation. For questions about a specific feature, please ask in our Forums. If a feature you're looking for is not supported, please let your sales contact know so that an official request can be made.

The purpose of this guide is to get you up and running quickly with that connector. You can do so by performing the following procedures:

Installing the Solution


  • You are a Salesforce System Administrator, and have a Salesforce Sandbox account (on

    If you prefer, you can evaluate the connector using a Salesforce Developer account or a Salesforce Professional account.

  • You have an OneSpan Sign Sandbox account. If you don't yet have an account, you can sign up for one.

  • The OneSpan Sign Administrator must have a Salesforce System Administrator profile. Their OneSpan Sign username and Salesforce email address must be the same.

  • Chatter is enabled in Salesforce.

  • You have one of the following Salesforce Editions:

    • Professional

    • Enterprise

    • Unlimited

    • Developer


To install OneSpan Sign Embedded Integration for Salesforce for the first time:

  1. Open a web browser, and navigate to

  2. Using the search field at the top of the page, search for OneSpan Sign.

  3. Click the OneSpan Sign Embedded Integration for Salesforce app, and then click Get It Now.

  4. Click Log in to the App Exchange, and enter your Salesforce login credentials.

  5. Click Install in Sandbox. An Almost there! screen appears.

  6. Select the box I have read and agree to the terms and conditions.

  7. Click Confirm and Install.

  8. On the screen that appears, enter the Username of your Salesforce Sandbox account. The Transaction Installation Details page appears.

  9. Click the option Install for Admins, and then click Continue. An Approve Third-Party Access dialog box appears.

  10. Select the box Yes, grant access to these third party web sites, and then click Continue.

  11. If you have a Production Salesforce installation:

    1. Review the displayed information, and click Next. A Choose security level page appears.

    2. Select Grant Access to Admins Only, and then click Next. An Install Transaction page appears.

    3. Click Install.

    4. After the installation is complete, click Manage Licenses, and assign the Salesforce license to the user who wants to use OneSpan Sign Embedded Integration for Salesforce.

      Because you are installing the application for the first time, you have only one Salesforce license. For additional licenses, please contact your OneSpan Sign CSR (Customer Satisfaction Representative).

  12. The page OneSpan Sign Installed Transaction Details appears, enabling you to review the application details.

Configuring the Solution

This section describes the following aspects of configuring the solution:

Configuration Prerequisites

  • You are both a Salesforce System Administrator and a OneSpan Sign Administrator.

  • Your Salesforce Sandbox account is configured with a First Name, Last Name, and Email Address. Moreover, these values are the same as those used for your OneSpan Sign Sandbox account.

Connecting to OneSpan Sign

OneSpan Sign Embedded Integration for Salesforce must be connected to your OneSpan Sign Sandbox account.

To connect OneSpan Sign Embedded Integration for Salesforce to your OneSpan Sign Sandbox account:

  1. Log in to the relevant organization as a System Administrator.

  2. Click the App Menu in the top-right corner. From the drop-down menu, select OneSpan Sign. The OneSpan Sign Transactions homepage appears.

  3. Click the Admin tab. The OneSpan Sign Admin page appears.

  4. In the Connection Settings section of the Configuration tab, select your environment from the Environment drop-down menu. For more information on environments, see Environment URLs & IP Addresses.

  5. Choose either Admin Credentials or OneSpan Sign API Key as the Connection Method. Then type your OneSpan Sign username and OneSpan Sign password in the text fields.

  6. Click Connect. A dialog box requests the permission to connect.

  7. Click Allow. A connection is established between OneSpan Sign Embedded Integration for Salesforce and your Sandbox OneSpan Sign account.

Configuring an Existing Salesforce User

To enable an existing Salesforce user to access OneSpan Sign Embedded Integration for Salesforce:

  1. Log in to the relevant organization as a System Administrator.

  2. In the top menu, click Setup.

  3. In the Administer section, select Manage Users.

  4. Click Users.

  5. Click the name of the relevant Salesforce user.

  6. Click Permission Set Assignments, and then click Edit Assignments. On the page Permission Set Assignments, configure all desired permissions for the Salesforce user.

    To view descriptions of the available Permission Sets, click here. If you want to evaluate OneSpan Sign Embedded Integration for Salesforce for the first time, select all the Permission Sets.

  7. Click Save.

Testing the Solution

After you've installed and configured your solution, you can test it by sequentially performing the following procedures:

  1. Creating a Transaction

  2. Adding Documents

  3. Adding Recipients

  4. Preparing Documents

  5. Sending the Transaction

  6. Signing the Transaction

Creating a Transaction

To create a transaction:

  1. Log into OneSpan Sign Embedded Integration for Salesforce as a user who has permission to create a transaction.

  2. On the OneSpan Sign Embedded Integration for Salesforce menu, click Transactions. The Transactions homepage appears.

  3. In the Recently Viewed section, click New.

  4. Enter a Transaction Name.

  5. Click Next. The transaction is created, with the logged-in user as its default recipient.

Adding Documents

OneSpan Sign supports the following document types:

  • Adobe's Portable Document Format (*.pdf) — PDFs on which OneSpan Sign can act generally have at least these permissions enabled: (1) Changing the Document; (2) Signing; (3) Filling of form fields.

  • Microsoft Word (*.doc or *.docx)

  • Open Office (*.odt)

  • Text (*.txt)

  • Rich Text Format (*.rtf)

In addition, the OneSpan Sign Print Driver supports any document that can be printed from a Windows-based application (e.g., Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft PowerPoint).

File Size Constraints

  • The maximum size of a single document is 16 MB. Smaller documents yield better performance — we recommend under 5 MB per document.

  • If your organization uses Salesforce or Microsoft SharePoint connectors, the file size maximum is 5 MB per document.

  • If your organization uses Salesforce connectors, the maximum number of documents that can be added to a transaction is ten (10).

  • If you enable email delivery while configuring a recipient, attachments larger than 5 MB are not supported.

File Name Constraints

  • Document file names should not contain any of the following comma-separated characters: *, /, \, :, <, >, |, ?, ".

  • A document's name cannot contain the string esigned.

General File Constraints

  • We recommend that you do not use PDF documents that make use of XML Forms Architecture. For more information, see XFA Support.

  • Do not upload password-protected or corrupted documents. These will generate an error.

  • OneSpan strongly recommends that you scan a PDF for syntax errors (e.g., by using Adobe's Preflight tool), and resolve any errors before you add the document to a transaction.

  • PDFs with the NeedAppearances flag set to true are not currently supported.

To add documents to your transaction:

  1. From the Documents section of the transaction, click Add Document. A new page appears.

  2. Click Upload local files.

  3. Click Choose Files.

  4. Click Add selected documents. The documents you selected are added to the transaction.

Adding Recipients

To add two recipients to your transaction:

  1. From the Recipients section of the transaction, click Add Recipient. A new row appears.

  2. From the drop-down menu in that row, select Contact.

  3. Click the magnifying glass next to the Lookup field, and select a Contact.

  4. Click Add Recipient again. A new row appears.

  5. From the drop-down menu in that row, select External Email.

  6. Manually enter the First Name, Last Name, and Email of a suitable recipient.

  7. Click Save Recipients. The two recipients you specified are added to your transaction.

Preparing Documents

To prepare your documents for signing:

  1. While viewing your transaction (to which one or more documents have been added), click Prepare. The Designer view appears.

  2. On the Electronic Disclosure and Signature Consent agreement, click the right-facing arrow to display the transaction's first document.

  3. From the Recipients menu, select a recipient.

  4. Click Fields to add a Signature Block for that recipient.

  5. Drag the Signature Block to where you want it to appear in the document.

  6. If you want to change the Signature Block type, or if you want to add a field, click the Settings icon. The Signature Block menu appears.

  7. Repeat Steps 4-7 for each Signature Block you want to add to the document.

  8. If there is another document, click the right arrow to display it, and repeat Steps 4-8.

  9. Repeat the previous step for each document in the transaction.

  10. Close the window by clicking the X in the upper-right corner.

Sending the Transaction

To send your transaction to be signed:

  • From the Transaction Edit page, click Send. The transaction is sent to be signed, and each recipient receives an invitation email.

Signing the Transaction

To sign the documents in your transaction:

  1. If you are the Transaction Owner as well as a recipient (with at least one assigned Signature Block), on the Transaction Details page, click Sign. A preview window displays the first document.

  2. If you are a recipient but not the Transaction Owner:

    1. In the email you received, click Go to Documents.

    2. Read the Consent Agreement, and click Accept. A preview window displays the first document.

  3. Sign all of your Signature Blocks in the document. Those blocks should be indicated by sticky notes.

    If any unsigned Signature Blocks lie outside your screen, an Unsigned Signatures notification displays the number of signatures that are still required. A progress bar at the top of the document indicates the number of signatures you have completed, as well as the total number of signatures assigned to you in this document (e.g., 3/10 completed).

  4. To confirm your signatures in the current document, click OK.

  5. Repeat Steps 3-4 for each document in the transaction.

  6. Once all your signatures have been applied, a refreshed version of the screen confirms that you have finished signing the transaction.

    Once a transaction has been signed by all recipients, its status is changed to Completed. To view that status, it may be helpful to refresh your page.

  7. To verify that all documents in a completed transaction have been signed, in the Documents section of the Transaction Details page, click the icon under Signed Documents. This enables you to download your documents. Open each document, and verify that all its Signature Blocks have been signed.

To learn more about using OneSpan Sign Embedded Integration for Salesforce, see Managing Transactions and Templates.

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