OneSpan Sign for SharePoint Online QuickStart Guide
  • 07 Oct 2024
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OneSpan Sign for SharePoint Online QuickStart Guide

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Résumé de l’article

OneSpan Sign provides a complete e-signature platform for the Web, including preparing, distributing, reviewing, signing, and downloading documents.

OneSpan Sign Embedded Integration for SharePoint Online enables its users to quickly obtain secure and compliant electronic signatures for transactions created in that connector.

Not all OneSpan Sign features are supported by an integration with this Connector. However, most if not all, features supported by this integration can be found in this Connector's documentation. For questions about a specific feature, please ask in our Forums. If a feature you're looking for is not supported, please let your sales contact know so that an official request can be made.

The purpose of this guide is to get you up and running quickly with that connector. You can do so by performing the following procedures:

  1. Installing the Solution

  2. Configuring the Solution

  3. Testing the Solution

Installing the Solution


To install OneSpan Sign Embedded Integration for SharePoint Online, you must have either a Sandbox or Production account for OneSpan Sign. To get a free Sandbox account, follow the instructions on this page.

You must also have Administrator privileges for OneSpan Sign Embedded Integration for SharePoint Online, and be a Microsoft SharePoint Administrator.

This is an online connector, so you will need one of the following supported browsers:

  • Chrome (latest stable version)

  • Firefox (latest stable version)

  • Microsoft Edge (latest stable version) — Starting with OneSpan Sign 11.39, the New User Experience — including the Signer Experience — will no longer support Edge in IE mode.

OneSpan Sign users can no longer access the New User Experience from Internet Explorer, though on-premises users can access the Classic User Experience from Internet Explorer 11. SaaS users can no longer access the Classic User Experience.

To access OneSpan Sign Embedded Integration for SharePoint Online, perform the following procedures:

  1. Installing the Connector on Your Site

  2. Opening the Connector

Installing the Connector on Your Site

OneSpan Sign Embedded Integration for SharePoint Online must be made available by your Microsoft SharePoint administrator. If you do not see OneSpan Sign Embedded Integration for SharePoint Online, contact that administrator, or consult Microsoft SharePoint's documentation.

To install OneSpan Sign Embedded Integration for SharePoint Online on your site:

  1. Login to your Microsoft SharePoint site.

  2. Navigate to your Site contents page.

    If you are using the Classic User Experience, click Add an app.

  3. Click New > App.

  4. From the side menu, select either Apps You Can Add or From Your Organization.

  5. Search for and select OneSpan Sign Embedded Integration for SharePoint Online.

    If you do not see our app here, you can use the Microsoft SharePoint Store to add it, or you can contact your system administrator. To learn more about installing from the Microsoft SharePoint Store, consult Microsoft SharePoint's documentation.

  6. Install the app using Microsoft SharePoint's standard installation instructions.

Opening the Connector

To open OneSpan Sign Embedded Integration for SharePoint Online:

  1. Navigate to your Site contents page.

  2. Select OneSpan Sign Embedded Integration for SharePoint Online.

If the app has not yet been updated by Microsoft SharePoint, it will be grayed out. If this happens, try refreshing your browser page.

Configuring the Solution

Now that you've installed OneSpan Sign Embedded Integration for SharePoint Online, let's get it up and running by connecting it to your OneSpan Sign account.

Your organization should have only one OneSpan Sign account. If you do not have an account, please contact our Support Team.

To connect OneSpan Sign Embedded Integration for SharePoint Online to your OneSpan Sign account:

  1. Log into OneSpan Sign.

  2. Navigate to the Site Contents page, and select the OneSpan Sign Embedded Integration for SharePoint Online app. The Connection Settings page appears.

  3. Specify the following required parameters:

    • API URL: Enter this URL, or use the drop-down list to select your OneSpan Sign Production environment.

    • OneSpan Sign User Name: Enter your user name.

    • OneSpan Sign Password: Enter your password.

  4. Click Connect. After this step completes, you should be connected and ready to begin using OneSpan Sign Embedded Integration for SharePoint Online.

Testing the Solution

Now that you've got OneSpan Sign Embedded Integration for SharePoint Online up and running, let's create and test a transaction.

To create and test a transaction, perform the following procedures:

  1. Creating a Transaction

  2. Adding Documents to a Transaction

  3. Adding Recipients to a Transaction

  4. Preparing Documents to be Signed

  5. Sending Documents to be Signed

  6. Signing Documents

Creating a Transaction

To create a transaction:

  1. Open OneSpan Sign Embedded Integration for SharePoint Online.

  2. Click New Transaction. A New Transaction panel appears on the right.

  3. Type a Name for the transaction. Optionally, type a Description for the transaction.

  4. If you want to create the transaction from a template, choose a template from the Select a template drop-down list. This list displays all templates created by you, and all templates created by other users that are marked as shared. A special icon is visible next to each shared template.

  5. Optional: Use the Advanced tab to specify these additional settings:

    • Expiry Date— Specify a date by which all documents must be signed. Once the transaction has expired, it will no longer be available for signing. The Expiry Date cannot be the current date or a date in the past.

    • Language — Specify the language in which the transaction will appear.

    • Email Message — Use this setting if you want to send a message that will be viewed by all recipients as part of the transaction's invitation email. If a template is selected, this field will be populated from the template.

    • In person signing — Use this setting to require the transaction to be signed in person by all signers on the same device.

  6. Click Create.

Your transaction has been created, and now appears in the Drafts tab. You are now ready to add some documents and recipients to it.

Adding Documents to a Transaction

The following sections discuss various aspects of adding documents to a transaction:

General Considerations

OneSpan Sign supports the following document types:

  • Adobe's Portable Document Format (*.pdf) — PDFs on which OneSpan Sign can act generally have at least these permissions enabled: (1) Changing the Document; (2) Signing; (3) Filling of form fields.

  • Microsoft Word (*.doc or *.docx)

  • Open Office (*.odt)

  • Text (*.txt)

  • Rich Text Format (*.rtf)

In addition, the OneSpan Sign Print Driver supports any document that can be printed from a Windows-based application (e.g., Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft PowerPoint).

File Size Constraints

  • The maximum size of a single document is 16 MB. Smaller documents yield better performance — we recommend under 5 MB per document.

  • If your organization uses Salesforce or Microsoft SharePoint connectors, the file size maximum is 5 MB per document.

  • If your organization uses Salesforce connectors, the maximum number of documents that can be added to a transaction is ten (10).

  • If you enable email delivery while configuring a recipient, attachments larger than 5 MB are not supported.

File Name Constraints

  • Document file names should not contain any of the following comma-separated characters: *, /, \, :, <, >, |, ?, ".

  • A document's name cannot contain the string esigned.

General File Constraints

  • We recommend that you do not use PDF documents that make use of XML Forms Architecture. For more information, see XFA Support.

  • Do not upload password-protected or corrupted documents. These will generate an error.

  • OneSpan strongly recommends that you scan a PDF for syntax errors (e.g., by using Adobe's Preflight tool), and resolve any errors before you add the document to a transaction.

  • PDFs with the NeedAppearances flag set to true are not currently supported.

Adding Documents from a Microsoft SharePoint Library

To add documents to a transaction from a Microsoft SharePoint library:

  1. Select the transaction.

  2. In the Documents section of your transaction, click Select Document. The Document Library appears.

  3. Select the location of the documents you want to add.

  4. Select the documents you want to add.

  5. Click OK. The selected documents are added to the transaction.

Adding Documents from a Local Repository

To add documents to a transaction from a local repository:

  1. Select the transaction.

  2. Click Upload. A dialog box appears.

  3. Browse to your documents' location, and select the documents you want to add.

  4. Click Open. The selected documents are added to the transaction.

Adding Recipients to a Transaction

A transaction's "recipients" are its participants, as specified by the transaction's creator. Recipients are exactly those people whom the transaction's creator has invited to view and/or sign at least one of the transaction's documents.

Recipients are added to a transaction one at a time. By default, you are listed as a recipient because you are the Transaction Owner. All of a transaction's recipients are displayed in its Recipient list.

To add recipients to a transaction:

  1. In the Recipients section of your transaction, click Add recipient.

  2. If you are adding an existing Microsoft SharePoint user, click Select SharePoint recipient. Otherwise, from the Type drop- down list, select the type of recipient you want to add. You can select either yourself or another person. If you select yourself, you need only click Add to continue. If you select another person, you must enter values in the following fields:

    • Email: The recipient's email address. This field must have the format of a valid email address.

    • First Name: The recipient's first name.

    • Last Name: The recipient's last name.

  3. Click Add.

  4. Repeat the above steps for each recipient you want to add.

  5. If you want to change the order in which the recipients must sign, toggle the Set signing order switch ON. Then drag each recipient's drag handle (dots to the left of their recipient icon) up or down the Recipients list to their desired location. The number next to a recipient represents their place in the signing order.

Please be aware of the following:

  • If a recipient's email address bounces more than three times: (1) that address is added to OneSpan Sign's blacklist; (2) the recipient will no longer receive OneSpan Sign emails.

  • If a recipient's email becomes blacklisted from one account, it will be blacklisted from all OneSpan Sign accounts.

  • If a transaction is sent that contains a blacklisted email address, an email will notify the transaction sender that the address has been blacklisted. A notification is sent each time the blacklisted address is used.

  • If the transaction sender wants to remove an email address from the blacklist, they must contact their System Administrator, who must call our Support Team.

Preparing Documents to be Signed

Once you've added all desired documents and recipients to a transaction, you can prepare each document for signing by adding Signature Blocks and fields to it.

A Signature Block is a rectangular space within an electronic document whose purpose is to receive and display an electronic signature. Inside a given document, you can add multiple Signature Blocks for the same signer.

Fields enable the placement of additional data in a document at the time of signing. Like Signature Blocks, fields can be placed anywhere inside a document. Nonetheless, each field is linked to a particular Signature Block. Only the signer of that block can assign or change the field's value. Once the block is signed, however, the value of the field cannot be changed by anyone.

To prepare a transaction's documents for signing:

  1. While viewing a transaction that has at least one document, click Prepare to send. The Designer view appears

  2. From the drop-down Signers list, select a recipient. In the next step, you'll add a Signature Block that is specific to that recipient.

  3. Drag a Signature Block (e.g., Signature or Signer Initial ) to where you want it to appear in the document.

  4. If you want to change the Signature Block type or want to add a field, click the gear icon. The Signature Block menu appears.

  5. Repeat Steps 2-4 for each Signature Block you want to add to the document.

  6. If there is another document, click the right arrow to display it. Then repeat Steps 2-5.

Sending Documents to be Signed

To send a transaction's documents to be signed:

  1. From within the Designer view of the transaction, click Send to sign.

  2. Click OK. The documents are sent to be signed, and each signer receives an invitation email.

Signing Documents

To sign the documents of a transaction that has been sent:

  1. As a recipient, open your invitation email, and click its provided link. The transaction opens.

    Transaction Owners do not receive email invitations. Instead, they must check their OneSpan Sign Embedded Integration for SharePoint Online transaction Inbox.

  2. Read the Consent Agreement, and click Accept. The transaction's first document appears.

  3. Sign all your Signature Blocks in the document. Those blocks should be indicated by sticky notes.

  4. If any unsigned Signature Blocks lie outside your screen, an Unsigned Signatures notification displays the number of signatures that are still required.

    A progress bar at the top of the document indicates the number of signatures you have completed, as well as the total number of signatures assigned to you in this document (e.g., 3/10 completed).

  5. To confirm your signatures in the current document, click Confirm.

  6. Repeat these steps for each document in the transaction.

Once you've successfully completed the above test, you're ready to create transactions for the real world, and to explore other aspects of OneSpan Sign Embedded Integration for SharePoint Online. Further information can be found in other documentation about this connector on this website. You can also seek more information from our Support Team.

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Changing your password will log you out immediately. Use the new password to log back in.
First name must have atleast 2 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
Last name must have atleast 1 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
Enter a valid email
Enter a valid password
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