Account-Level Features
  • 28 Nov 2024
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Account-Level Features

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Article summary

The following table describes the features that can be enabled or disabled for your account by contacting our Support Team.

Some features may be billable.



Account Configuration

Account Setting self-service

Determines if Account Owners and Account Managers can edit their account’s settings. The editable settings include most of BackOffice's Account, Feature, Package and Signing settings that are Boolean and non-paid.

Default: true

Allow Checkbox On Consent

Determines if a checkbox will appear at top of the page, enabling signers to accept the E-Consent document by selecting that box. This will save signers from having to scroll all the way to the bottom of the page to view the Accept button there.

Default: true

Allow Duplicate Signer Email Address

Determines if a transaction's external signers can have the same email address. This possibility was developed to accommodate those rare cases in which relatives or spouses share the same email address.

Default: true

Note: (1) "External signers" are signers who do not have an email account attached to a Sender or other OneSpan Sign role. (2) When both Allow Duplicate Signer Email Address and Allow Duplicate Signer Name are enabled, the Sender can choose to either merge the duplicate signers or keep them separate.

Caution: This feature does not work with Single Sign-On Authentication (SSO).

Allow Duplicate Signer Name

Determines if a transaction's signers (external and internal) can have the same first name and last name. This possibility was developed to accommodate those rare cases in which relatives or spouses share the same first and last names.

Default: false

Note: When both Allow Duplicate Signer Email Address and Allow Duplicate Signer Name are enabled, the Sender can choose to either merge the duplicate signers or keep them separate.

Allow Duplicate Signer Phone Number

Determines if a transaction's signers (external and internal) can have the same phone number. This possibility was developed to accommodate those rare cases in which people (e.g., spouses) share the same phone number.

Default: true

Note: This setting concerns the phone numbers used when SMS Authentication or ID Verification is configured for at least two signers.

Allow Duplicate Signers

For Releases 11.47 to 11.51, this setting behaves as follows. If enabled, it allows a transaction's external signers to have: (1) the same full name AND the same email address simultaneously; (2) the same phone number.

As of Release 23.R3 (11,52), this setting is a master switch. If it’s enabled, the settings in the three previous rows are honored. If it’s disabled: (a) the settings in those rows are ignored; (b) this setting’s "legacy behavior" is restored. That legacy behavior, which characterized the system before Release 11.47, is this — a transaction's external signers can have: (1) the same full name OR the same email address, but not both simultaneously; (2) the same phone number.

Default: false

Note: "External signers" are signers who do not have an email account attached to a Sender or other OneSpan Sign role..

Caution: This feature does not work with Single Sign-On Authentication (SSO).

Allow In Person For Account Senders

Determines if the recipients of an In-Person transaction can host the transaction, provided they are also senders in the account. If this parameter is false, only the Transaction Owner can host the transaction.

If this feature is disabled, this list will be viewable only by the Transaction Owner.

Default: false

Allow UI Switch

Determines if senders will be able to switch between the Classic User Experience and the New User Experience.

Default: false

Note: In the 11.35 release of OneSpan Sign, the part of the Classic User Experience designed for Senders became unavailable to SaaS users. This change does not yet affect on-premises environments where OneSpan Sign was deployed without Docker containers. If users in those environments want all of the Classic and New User Experiences to be available, they must set this feature to true.

Note: The Classic User Experience is not available in on-premises environments where OneSpan Sign was deployed using Docker containers. Users in those environments should therefore ensure that this feature is set to false.


Determines if recipients will be able to upload attachments to a transaction. If so, senders can ask recipients to upload one or more attachments, and recipients can do so.

Default: true

Bulk Send

Determines if the Bulk Sending feature will be available. This feature gives users the ability to create and distribute multiple transactions with minimum effort (by using a suitable template and a CVS file).

Default: false

Certificate Signing

Determines if senders can permit recipients to sign with a digital certificate that resides on a hardware token or Smart Card (e.g., CAC, PIV, eID).

Default: false

Conditional Fields

Determines if senders can do the following within a single document: (1) apply various conditions (e.g., required, optional, enabled, disabled) to signature and input fields; (2) configure "conditional logic" (i.e., specify that a condition applied to one field will impose certain conditions on other fields).

Default: false

Custom Fields

Determines if Custom Fields can be used.

A "Custom Field" is one that, at the time of signing, is automatically populated with data that is specific to the recipient.

Default: true

Data management self-service

Determines if an account Admin can specify the rules that will govern the retention or purging of data that has been stored for their account.

Default: true

Note: This feature is not available in on-premises environments where OneSpan Sign was deployed using Docker containers.


Determines if the Delegation feature will be available. This feature gives a user the ability to delegate access to their OneSpan Sign transactions to one or more other users on their account.

Default: false

Deliver Documents by Email

Determines if signed documents can be delivered to signers as email attachments.

Default: true

Disable Footer

Determines if no footer will appear in the application's User Interface.

Default: false

Note: This setting does not apply to the login page.

Disable InPerson Activation Email

Determines if the recipients in an In-Person transaction will not receive an email that invites them to sign.

Default: false

Document Visibility

Determines if the Document Visibility feature will be available. This feature gives suitable users the ability to control which recipients can view specific documents in a transaction during the Signer Experience.

Default: false

By default, adding a recipient to a transaction will give that recipient visibility to all documents. As a best practice, we recommend that you set document visibility after all documents and recipients have been added to the transaction. If you need to add a recipient after you have set document visibility, be sure to verify the document visibility of the recipient you have just added.

Document Watermark

Determines if watermarks will be applied to documents that are downloaded by a recipient during the Signer Experience. The following watermarks are available:

  • "OPTED_OUT" : "Void",

  • "COMPLETED" : "Customer Copy",

  • "DRAFT" : "Non-authoritative Copy",

  • "EXPIRED" : "Void",

  • "ARCHIVED" : "Void",

  • "DECLINED" : "Void",

  • "SENT" : "Non-authoritative Copy"

Default: false

Enable New Signer UI

Determines if the Signer Experience will be displayed to recipients whenever possible.

The Signer Experience currently has limited functionality. Thus it will be displayed to a recipient only if all the features enabled for the recipient's session are supported by the Signer Experience.

Default: false

Enable New UI

Determines if the application's default User Interface will be the New User Experience.

Default: true

Note: In the 11.35 release of OneSpan Sign, the Sender part of the Classic User Experience became unavailable to SaaS users. This change does not yet affect on-premises environments where OneSpan Sign was deployed without Docker containers. If users in those environments want to use the Sender part of the New User Experience, they should set this feature to false.

Note: The Classic User Experience is not available in on-premises environments where OneSpan Sign was deployed using Docker containers.

Enable Recipient History

Determines if the account’s senders will be able to see the account’s recipient history.

Default: true

Tip: Disable this feature if you want to prevent senders from selecting recipients from the account’s recipient history. This should minimize erroneous signer information.

External Links

External hyperlinks in document transactions can now be opened up by recipients who are signing those documents.

Fast Track

Determines if the Fast Track feature will be available. This feature permits the rapid distribution of transactions for signing, automates the e-signature process, and eliminates the need to send individual transactions to your recipients.

Default: true

Flatten Signer Documents

Determines if documents downloaded or sent via email to recipients will be flattened (read-only) before being sent.

If this feature is enabled, such documents will always be flattened. If this feature is disabled, documents will: (1) be flattened if the transaction has not been completed; (2) remain active if the transaction has been completed, so users can click to view signatures' properties.

This setting applies only to recipients.

Default: false

Groups Management

Determines if an Account Owner or Manager will be able to manage Groups.

A "Group" is a collection of OneSpan Sign recipients who can act as a single recipient from the point of view of the transaction creator.

Default: true

Hide Permanently Delete Button

Determines if the Permanently Delete button in the sender part of the New User Experience is hidden. When that button is hidden, senders cannot permanently delete any transaction.

Default: false (button is not hidden)

Imprint Fields

Determines if Senders can add "imprint fields" to documents. An imprint field is a field that transaction recipients can see, but cannot interact with in any other way. Imprint fields are not associated with particular recipients.

Default: false

In App Reports

Determines if users with sufficient permission can access system-created Transaction Reports and Account Reports from the New User Experience or API.

Default: false

Note: In-App Reports is not available in on-premises environments where OneSpan Sign was deployed using Docker containers.

Integration - Event Notification

Determines if an account's Event Notifications interface will be displayed to the account owner in the User Interface. Event Notifications can then be used by third-party integrators to set up Event Notification callbacks from OneSpan Sign.

Default: true

Mobile Capture

Determines if the Mobile Signature type will be available when documents are being prepared for signing.

Default: false

Mobile Signing Ceremony: Phone

Determines if the Mobile Signer Experience will be available to signers who access the Signer Experience from a mobile phone.

Default: true

Mobile Signing Ceremony: Tablet

Determines if the Mobile Signer Experience will be available to signers who access the Signer Experience from a tablet.

Default: false

NEXT button at bottom of page

Determines if during the Signer Experience the NEXT button always appears at the bottom of the page.

Default: false

No Signature Fields

Determines if after selecting a recipient, Senders can add fields to a document without having added a Signature Block. Once a Signature Block is added, all previously added fields will be attached to it.

Default: false

OFAC Blacklist

Determines if countries can be blacklisted from accessing OneSpan Sign. If this feature is enabled, access will be blocked for any user (sender or signer) who tries to access the system from a blacklisted country.

Default: true

Optional Signature

Determines if signatures can be flagged as optional. When the Optional Signatures flag is set for a document, a recipient is not obliged to sign all of their signatures inside that document before completing the associated transaction.

Default: false

Overlay Signed Fields

Determines if overlays will be applied when the system confirms a PDF's signed Signature Fields.

If this feature is enabled: (1) the system fetches the original (non-flattened) version of the PDF; (2) for the current signer and all previous signers, the system applies to each signed Signature Field an overlay that identifies: (i) who signed the field; (ii) when they signed it.

If this feature is disabled, the system simply fetches the flattened version of the PDF. It does not apply overlays.

The advantage of this feature is that when it’s enabled, it takes less time to load PDFs in the Signer Experience.

Default: false

Override Recipient's Preferred Language

Determines if a sender’s Recipient Language specification for the recipient of a transaction will override any User Language preference that the recipient specifies in the Signer Experience.

Default: false

Note: BackOffice administrators can set this parameter either directly or via the Account Setting self-service. Senders can specify the Recipient Language either in the User Experience or via the API. Their specifications will override recipients' User Language specifications if this parameter is true.

Password Management

Determines if an account owner can specify the rules that valid passwords must satisfy for all users on their account.

Default: true

Personal Certificate Client

Determines if senders can configure recipients to sign with the Personal Certificate Client when they sign with a certificate.

Default: false

Note: Even if this parameter is true, the associated feature won’t work unless the certificateSigning parameter is also true.

Prevent Removing Electronic Consent Document

Determines if senders will be prevented from removing the Electronic Consent Document from a transaction or template.

Default: false

Rate Limiting

Determines if the system will impose on an account: (1) a maximum number of API calls in a given time (default = 20 calls per minute); (2) a maximum file size of documents in API calls in a given time (default = 100 MB per hour).

Default: true

Note: Imposing limits on an account requires both: (1) enabling Rate Limiting; (2) disabling Rate Limiting Report Only.

Note: Rate Limiting does not apply to GET methods. It applies mainly to POST and PUT methods. It also applies to DELETE methods that perform an update operation (not a delete operation).

Rate Limiting Report Only

This feature’s action depends on whether Rate Limiting is enabled or disabled. If Rate Limiting is disabled, this feature is ignored. If Rate Limiting and this feature are both enabled, no limits are imposed on the account, but the system logs every time Rate Limiting’s limits are exceeded.

Default: true

Note: Imposing limits on an account requires both: (1) enabling Rate Limiting; (2) disabling Rate Limiting Report Only.

Roles and Permissions

Determines if an account owner can manage the roles and permissions of the senders in their account. Note that roles are defined by their permissions.

When this feature is true, the system supports: (1) the default roles of Admin, Manager, and Sender; (2) the ability of account owners to create additional roles with customized permissions.

When this feature is false, the system supports the default roles of Owner, Manager, and Member.

Default: false

Note: Account Owners will be able to download the Evidence Summary for their senders if this Roles and Permissions feature is false for their account. If this feature is true for their account, such downloads will not be possible.

Send To Mobile

Determines if signers can send transactions to their mobile device for signing there.

Default: false

Signature Masking

Determines if the unsigned required Signature Fields of a document in an incomplete transaction will be masked (i.e., blackened) when a flattened version of the document is downloaded.

Default: false

Stop Image Rendering

Determines if the system will stop a document's images from being rendered when the document is viewed in the Signer Experience.

Default: false

Upload Signature

Determines if signers of the account’s transactions can apply their signature by uploading an image (e.g., the seal of a U.S. state).

Default: true


Digipass Authentication

Determines if Senders can configure recipient authentication via a Digipass token.

Default: false

Enforce Authentication

Determines if all recipients of a transaction must be assigned a Q&A, SMS, SSO, or KBA Authentication Method.

Default: false

External Signer Verification

Determines if External Signer Verification will be available.

When this feature is enabled, a recipient trying to confirm their approval of a document within OneSpan Sign can verify their identity via their credentials with an external organization (e.g., DIGIPASS credentials).

Default: false

Force Login

Determines if recipients who are account senders will be required to log in to OneSpan Sign before they can access the Signer Experience.

Default: false

Force Transaction Owner to Login

Determines if Transaction Owners will be required to log in to OneSpan Sign before they can access the Signer Experience.

Default: false

IDV Authentication

Determines if the account’s senders can ask recipients to authenticate themselves via our ID Verification method.

Default: false

Note: ID Verification is not available in on-premises environments where OneSpan Sign was deployed using Docker containers.

In Person SMS Auth

Determines if SMS Authentication will be available for signers who participate in the account’s in-person transactions.

Default: false

Integration - API Key

Determines if an account's API Key will be displayed to the account owner in the User Interface. The API Key can then be used by third-party integrators to connect to OneSpan Sign's API.

Default: true

Integration - API Token

Determines if an account's API Client Apps feature will be displayed to the account owner in the User Interface. The API Client Apps feature can then be used by third-party integrators to connect to OneSpan Sign's API.

Default: true

Note: This feature is not available in on-premises environments where OneSpan Sign was deployed using Docker containers.


Determines if transaction recipients can be assigned KBA Authentication via LexisNexis.

Default: false

Mask Response

Determines if a default value (ON or OFF) is configured for the Mask Response toggle switch that appears during Q&A Authentication.

Default: true

Q&A Authentication

Determines if Q&A Authentication can be configured for recipients in the New User Experience.

Default: true

Signer SSO

Determines if Single Sign-On Authentication (SSO) can be configured for external recipients.

If SSO is configured for external recipients, authentication information can be exchanged between OneSpan Sign and corporate servers, so recipients can use their organization's credentials to access the Signer Experience.

Default: false

This flag was introduced in OneSpan Sign 11.16, but the feature will become available only in a later release.

SMS Authentication

Determines if SMS Authentication can be configured for recipients in the New User Experience.

Default: true

SSO Login

Determines if senders will be required to log in to OneSpan Sign via Single Sign-On Authentication (SSO).

Default: false

Evidence Summary

Allow signers to download evidence summary

Determines if the Evidence Summary can be downloaded from the Signer Experience once all participants have completed the transaction.

Email Documents and Evidence Summary

Determines if signed documents and the Evidence Summary will be emailed to the sender as attachments upon a transaction’s completion. If this setting is true, both will be emailed.

Default: false

If this setting is false, and the evidenceSummary setting is true, only the Evidence Summary will be emailed. If both this setting and the evidenceSummary setting are false, no documents will be emailed.

Evidence Summary

Determines if the sender will receive an Evidence Summary document as an email attachment once a transaction is completed.

Default: false

Incomplete Evidence Summary

Determines if the Evidence Summary for incomplete transactions can be downloaded from the part of the User Experience for senders.

Default: false

Tamper Seal Evidence

Determines if a completed transaction's Evidence Summary will be signed and locked.

Default: false


In-person Electronic Notarization

Determines if the IPEN feature will be available — i.e., if documents can be electronically notarized during a face-to-face meeting between a Notary and signers.

When this feature is enabled, the Enable notarization setting is available when a transaction or template is created.

Default: true

Notary Management System

Determines if suitable users can access the Notary Management System. If so, those users can manage the notaries on their account (e.g., they can create a custom Role with notary privileges, and assign that role to users).

Default: false

Remote Online Notarization

Determines if the Remote Online Notarization feature will be available — i.e., if documents can be electronically notarized during a virtual meeting between a Notary and signers. This notarization process uses audio/video technology to connect a Notary and signers in different locations.

When this feature is enabled, the Remote Online Notarization setting is available when a transaction or template is created.

Default: false

Note: Even if this parameter is set to true, the associated feature won’t work unless the following parameters are also set to true: (1) Notary Management System; (2) Virtual Room; (3) Virtual Room Recording; (4) Personal Certificate Client.

Sign Notary Journal

Enables senders to require that a RON transaction’s participants sign the Notary Journal. If a sender makes this requirement, during the transaction the notary can: (1) make their journal entries; (2) then pass control to the participants so they can sign the journal.

IDV Consent Management

Explicit Consent

It is now possible to configure IDV transactions so that the consent given by recipients is explicit, meaning that they must actively perform an action to continue. For example, select a checkbox that confirms their consent. If explicit consent is not configured, recipients need only continue with the signing process, as their consent is deemed to have been implied.

Virtual Room / Cobrowsing

Ad-hoc Cobrowsing Sender

Determines if senders can arrange ad-hoc co-browsing sessions for signers.

Default: false

Ad-hoc Cobrowsing Signer

Determines if signers can request and participate in ad-hoc co-browsing sessions.

Default: false

Note: Even if this parameter is set to true, the associated feature won’t work unless the Ad-hoc Cobrowsing Sender parameter is also set to true.

Virtual Room

Determines if account senders can create a virtual meeting room in which multiple signers from different locations can: (1) collaborate through a video conference call; (2) sign documents within a co-browsing session.

Default: false

Note: The Virtual Room is not available in on-premises environments where OneSpan Sign was deployed using Docker containers.

Virtual Room Recording

Determines if the audio and/or video recording of Virtual Room sessions will be available.

Default: true

Note: The Virtual Room is not available in on-premises environments where OneSpan Sign was deployed using Docker containers.

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