Configuring Recipients
  • 08 Oct 2024
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Configuring Recipients

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Résumé de l’article

A transaction is the experience of a OneSpan Sign user as they review, accept, sign, and potentially download documents. The sender of a transaction generally performs the following procedures :

The Recipients section of the Draft page enables you to: (1) view all existing recipients of the transaction's signing invitations; (2) change various settings for those recipients; (3) add other recipients to the transaction.

This rest of this page describes the following procedures:

If you wish, you can also configure Authentication Methods for recipients.

Adding Recipients to a Transaction

Recipients can be added to a transaction that is in the state Draft or In Progress. If the transaction is In Progress, the signing process will be paused until changes are complete.

You may add up to a maximum of 100 recipients per template or transaction. However, for maximum performance we recommend that you limit the number of recipients to 20.

To add recipients to a transaction:

  1. Locate the transaction's Recipients section.

  2. Click Add Recipient. A new row appears for a new recipient.

  3. Type the First Name, Last Name, or Email of the recipient.
    These three fields are to the right of the "recipient icon" (). Typing in any of those fields invokes a list of matching users from: (1) the recipients’ history; (2) the list of account senders. Complete each field either by typing, or by selecting an option from the recipient list that appears.

    You cannot use straight quotes ( " ) when entering a signer's name. However, you can use smart quotes ( ‘ and ’ ).

    The following fields may appear for users in that list:

    • First Name: The recipient's first name. This field is displayed only for the Recipient or Myself recipient types. It is a required field when you are defining a recipient who is one of those types.

    • Last Name: The recipient's last name. This field is displayed only for the Recipient or Myself recipient types. It is a required field when you are defining a recipient who is one of those types.

    • Email: The recipient's email address. This field must have the format of a valid email address. It is displayed only for the Recipient or Myself recipient types. It is a required field when you are defining a recipient who is one of those types.

  4. Repeat the above steps until you've added all desired recipients.

  5. Optional: To configure additional settings for a recipient (including recipient authentication), click the ellipsis beside the recipient (...), and then click Settings . These settings can be updated any time.

  6. Click Next to accept your settings. You can then add fields to the transaction's documents.

Undeliverable Email Policy

The following rules are applied to email addresses that fail to receive system notifications:

  • If delivery to a recipient's email address fails more than three times: (1) that address is added to OneSpan Sign's blacklist; (2) the recipient will no longer receive OneSpan Sign emails.

  • If a recipient's email becomes blacklisted from one account, it will be blacklisted from all OneSpan Sign accounts.

  • If a transaction is sent that contains a blacklisted email address, an email will notify the transaction sender that the address has been blacklisted. A notification is sent each time the blacklisted address is used.

  • If the transaction sender wants to remove an email address from the blacklist, they must contact their System Administrator, who must call our Support Team.

Supported Languages

If the list of supported languages has been limited the option to Use Transaction Language will appear on the recipient's Details page.

Enable this option will ensure that the recipient language always follows the transaction language. This means that if the transaction language is changed, recipients having this option enabled will inherit the new language.

Also, if enabled, the language will be set to the language of the transaction or template and the Language drop-down will be disabled.  

If the option to Use Transaction Language is turned disabled, the language will remain as the transaction or template language, and the Language drop-down will be enabled.

Default behavior

When the use of supported languages has been limited, the following default behaviors will be in place:

  • When adding an external recipient, the Use Transaction Language option will be selected by default. 

  • When adding a group recipient, the language (although not visible on the UI), will be set to Use Transaction Language.  This means that any sender that accesses the signing ceremony as part of this group, will have the transaction language.

  • When adding Myself or an internal recipient:

    • If Override recipient language is enabled for the account, the recipient language will be set to Use Transaction Language.

    • If Override recipient language is disabled for the account:

      • If the recipient's preferred (sender) language is part of the supported languages, the recipient language will be set to their preferred language.

      • If the recipient's preferred (sender) language is not part the supported languages, the recipient language will be set to Use Transaction Language.

    • When replacing a placeholder recipient, the Use Transaction Language option will be selected by default.

    • When replacing a placeholder recipient, the "Use transaction language" option will be selected by default. 

    • When replacing a placeholder recipient, the Use Transaction Language option will be selected by default. 

    • When adding a recipient to a transaction or template from the sender interface:

      • For a Template or a Transaction that has never been sent, if the selected language is unsupported, the creation will fail with a message that reads The language defined for this template and/or one of the recipients is no longer supported by your administrator. Please select a different language.

      • For a Transaction that has been previously sent, if the selected language is different from the transaction language AND is not part of the list of supported languages, the creation will fail with a message that reads "The language defined for the recipient is no longer supported by your administrator. Please select a different language.

If the Transaction language is now unsupported, when adding or replacing a recipient and the Use Transaction Language is selected, the action will fail with an error that reads The language defined for the recipient is no longer supported by your administrator. Please select a different language..  The transaction language will need to be updated before you can add or replace the recipient.

Reassigning Recipients

By default this feature is OFF. If you toggle it ON, during the Signer Experience the recipient will be able to delegate their role in a transaction to another recipient. This action is available only for the Recipient and Group recipient types.

To reassign a recipient:

  1. Locate the transaction's Recipients section.

  2. Select the recipient, and click the ellipsis (...) in the last column.

  3. Click Settings.

  4. Select the Advanced tab.

  5. Toggle ON the Change Signer option.

Changing a Recipient's Type

Once a recipient has been saved, their "type" can be changed.

To change a recipient's type:

  1. Locate the relevant transaction's Recipients section.

  2. Click the user's "recipient icon" ( ). A drop-down menu displays the type options:

  3. Select one of the recipient types in the following table.

Recipient Type




Use this type to add as a recipient an account sender or an individual user with an email address.

This type is selected by default when a new recipient is added to a transaction. There will be nothing for this person to do unless you add to the transaction's documents fields for them to initial or sign.


Use this type to add as a recipient an existing group within the account.

This type is not visible if groups are not configured in the account, or if Enable notarization is selected for the transaction.


Use this type to add yourself as a recipient — i.e., to add the user who is currently logged in.

This type is not visible if you are already a recipient on the transaction.


Use this type to add as a recipient a signer whose identity will be determined later.

This can be useful if, for example, you are creating a transaction from a template. However, all placeholders must be replaced by real signers before a transaction is distributed for signing.

Adding Reviewers

A Reviewer is someone who is given access to a transaction, so that they can review that transaction's contents. A Reviewer will be informed of the creation and the completion of a transaction, but is not otherwise involved. A transaction can have multiple reviewers.

To add a recipient as a Reviewer, simply add them to the transaction, but do not assign any signatures to them. A Reviewer can view information within the transaction (e.g., the transaction's current state; who has already signed; who has not yet signed).

Both individuals and groups can be configured as Reviewers.

Changing a Recipient's Personal Details

To change an existing recipient's personal details:

  1. Locate the transaction's Recipients section.

  2. Edit the recipient's details (e.g., First Name, Last Name, Email, Title, Company).

Typing the First Name, Last Name, or Email of an existing recipient invokes a list of matching users from: (1) the recipients’ history; (2) the list of account senders. For more on leveraging this functionality, see Adding Recipients to a Transaction.

Specifying the Signing Order

By default, the Set signing order toggle switch in the Recipients section is OFF.

To specify a Signing Order for a transaction's recipients:

  1. Locate the transaction's Recipients section.

  2. Toggle the Set signing order switch to ON. A number will appear beside each recipient in the list.

  3. Drag each recipient's drag handle (orange dots to the left of their recipient icon) up or down the Recipients list to their appropriate location. The number beside the recipient name will update based on the new signing order.

    If the transaction is accessible to Screen Readers, a recipient can be moved to their desired location using the keys "up-arrow" and "down-arrow".

Configuring Other Recipient Settings

To change a recipient's settings:

  1. Locate the transaction's Recipients section.

  2. Select the recipient, and click the ellipsis (...) in the last column.

  3. Click one of the following options:




Edit details

Allows you to edit specific recipient settings.

The Type field displays the recipient's type, but is read-only. By contrast, you can change the following settings for the recipient:

  • Role

  • First Name

  • Last Name

  • Email

  • Title, Company

  • Language

The Language field will be: (1) hidden for recipients of type Myself, Placeholder or Group; (2) disabled for recipients who are account senders (for them, the system will display the language assigned to their account).

Add Authentication Method

Selecting this opens the Authentication tab. This box enables you to specify the Authentication Method that will be used to verify the recipient's identity. This action is available only for the Recipient recipient type.

For more information, see New.

Edit signing method

Allows you to change the signing method for the selected recipient. For example, to force a recipient to use a Personal Certificate.

Add attachments request

This box enables you to specify one or more supporting documents (e.g., a driver's license) that the recipient must upload before the transaction is completed. This action is not available for the Myself recipient type. Once the transaction is complete, the Transaction Owner can review, comment on, download, or reject the attachments uploaded by recipients.

Advanced Settings

Personal Message: This field enables you to type a personal message for the recipient. That message will override the default transaction message. This action is available only for the Recipient and Group recipient types.

Change Signer: By default this switch is OFF. If you toggle it ON, during the Signer Experience the recipient will be able to delegate their role in the transaction to another recipient. This action is available only for the Recipient and Group recipient types.

Email Delivery: By default this switch is OFF. If you toggle it ON, the recipient will receive the transaction's signed documents as an email attachment. This action is available only for the Recipient and Group recipient types.

Download Evidence Summary: By default this switch is OFF. If you toggle it on the recipient will be able to download the evidence summary once all signers have completed the transaction.

Evidence summary documents contain Personally Identifiable Information (PII). Allowing recipients to download evidence summary documents should be done with caution.


Allows you to quickly remove a recipient from a transaction.

  1. After you've completed the above configurations, click Save.

Removing a Recipient from a Transaction

To remove a recipient from a transaction:

  1. Locate the transaction's Recipients section.

  2. Select the relevant recipient, and click the ellipsis (...) in the last column.

  3. Click Remove. You are prompted to confirm the action.

  4. Click Yes. A message confirms that the recipient has been removed.

This action is available for all recipient types.

Sending Transaction Reminders

After you have sent a transaction to its recipients, you can send them reminders that they have documents to sign.

To resend an invitation email to a recipient:

  1. Locate the transaction's Recipients section.

  2. Click the recipient's envelope icon. A message confirms that an email reminder has been sent.

To send another SMS code to a recipient:

  1. Locate the transaction's Recipients section.

  2. Click the recipient's mobile-phone icon. You're prompted to confirm the action.

  3. Click Yes. A message confirms that an SMS code has been sent.

This action is available only for recipients whose recipient type is Recipient, and whose Authentication Method is SMS Authentication.

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