Creating an Accessible Transaction
  • 09 Oct 2024
  • 6 Minutes à lire
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  • PDF

Creating an Accessible Transaction

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  • PDF

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Résumé de l’article

After an accessible PDF is created, it must be uploaded to an accessible transaction.

Transactions are not accessible by default. Senders must therefore manually flag a transaction as accessible.

The above default behavior can be changed, so transactions are accessible by default. To arrange this, contact our Support Team.

An accessible transaction can be created in the following alternate ways:

Creating an Accessible Transaction via the UI

To create an accessible transaction or accessible template via the New User Experience, senders must map the Form Fields in added documents to recipients' OneSpan Sign fields. The following procedure does that.

To create an accessible transaction or accessible template via the New User Experience:

  1. Create a transaction or create a template.

  2. On the pop-up screen, open the SETTINGS section and slide the Enable screen reader accessibility toggle switch to On.

  3. Click Create.

  4. Click ADD DOCUMENT. In the dialog box that appears, select a document to be added to the transaction or template. This document must be an ADA-Accessible PDF.

  5. If the document contains Form Fields (e.g., check boxes, radio buttons), the Field Import dialog box appears.

  6. Click START IMPORT. The Define Recipients page appears.

  7. Add all of the recipients or placeholders needed for your transaction or template.

  8. Click NEXT. The Import & Link Signatures page appears.

  9. Click ADD SIGNATURE. A Signature drop-down menu appears, containing a list of all the document's signatures.

  10. From the Signature drop-down menu, select a signature. That signature will be linked to the recipient.

    If optional signatures are enabled on your account, you may specify the selected signature as Optional. If that flag is set, the system will not oblige the recipient to sign all of their signatures inside the transaction's documents before completing the transaction.

  11. A Signature Type drop-down menu appears. Use it to select one of the first three following options for your selected signature (you may or may not wish to select the fourth option):

    • Click-to-Sign: The recipient's name is stamped on the signature field at the time of signing. This is the default signature type. We recommend it for signers who are blind, and for signers who have physical disabilities.

    • Capture signature: The signer draws their signature using their mouse or another input device. The drawing of the signature is stamped on the signature field at the time of signing.

    • Click-to-Initial: To sign this type, a signer simply clicks the block. The signer's initials are then stamped on the block.

    • Is optional: By default, a signature field is required. However, you can make it optional by using this check box.

    Once the signer enables Accessibility Mode (as they must to sign accessibly), OneSpan Sign's software will offer verbal guidance on cursor placement. This could be especially helpful for the Capture signature method.

  12. Click NEXT. The Import & Link Fields page appears. This is where you can specify mappings to your document's fields (e.g., check boxes, radio buttons, text boxes).

  13. To begin mapping, click ADD FIELD. A Field drop-down menu appears, containing a list of all available Form Fields in your document. By default, a transaction's fields are optional. However, you can make them required by checking the Is required check box.

  14. Select a Form Field from the Field menu. A Field type drop-down menu appears, containing a list of all available OneSpan Sign fields.

    The following OneSpan Sign fields are not available:

    • Custom fields

    • Notary fields

    • List

    • Date Picker

    • Label fields

  15. Select a OneSpan Sign field from the Field type drop-down menu.

  16. Repeat the previous three steps for each Form Field you want to map.

    Not mapping a Form Field could result in its not being accessible.

  17. Click NEXT. A new page provides an overview of the mappings you have created.

  18. Review your mappings. When you are satisfied with them, click DONE. With these mappings completed, you can continue creating your transaction, or save your template for future use.

Creating an Accessible Transaction via the API

POST /packages


Creates an "accessible" package with document binaries. People with disabilities will be able to review and sign the documents in this package.

The package's documents must be suitably tagged PDFs. To learn how to create them , see Creating an Accessible PDF. If the PDFs are not tagged, your request will not succeed.

This section describes how to create an accessible package with attached documents. If you wish, you can create an accessible package without any documents, then add the documents later.

Resource Information

HTTP Method


Resource Family



Java SDK

Content Type




Example Request


Request Payload

The Request Payload must: (1) specify fields and signatures using the same types as those given to the fields and signatures inside the package's tagged PDFs; (2) specify fields and signatures using the same names and IDs as those given to the names of the fields and signatures inside the package's tagged PDFs; (3) specify each approval's name and ID using the same name and ID of the associated signature; (4) set the extract flag to true for all relevant documents and fields.

Content-Disposition: form-data; name="file"; filename="Unsigned Document.doc"
Content-Type: application/msword

Content-Disposition: form-data; name="payload"

  "settings": {
    "ceremony": {
      "ada": true
  "type": "PACKAGE",
  "language": "en",
  "name": "<Package Name>",
  "documents": [
      "approvals": [
          "role": "Customer",
          "name": "CustomerSignature",
          "id": "CustomerSignature",
          "fields": [
              "name": "APR",
              "id": "APR",

              "extract": true,
              "type": "INPUT",
              "subtype": "TEXTFIELD"
              "name": "CustomerSignature",
              "id": "CustomerSignature",
              "extract": true,
              "type": "SIGNATURE",
              "subtype": "FULLNAME"
          "role": "Customer",
          "name": "Agent",
          "id": "Agent",
          "fields": [
              "name": "Agent",
              "id": "Agent",
              "extract": true,
              "type": "SIGNATURE",
              "subtype": "FULLNAME"
      "extract": true,
      "index": 0,
      "name": "Doc 1"
  "roles": [
      "type": "SIGNER",
      "id": "Customer",
      "signers": [
          "signature": null,
          "firstName": "role",
          "lastName": "one",
          "email": "<email address>",
          "id": "Customer"
      "name": "Customer"

Response Payload

    "id": "4d09f2a8-4f0d-477b-8735-4b42ecf5ed0a"

Error Responses

The following error is created if you try to upload a PDF that is not tagged:

    "messageKey": "error.validation.ada.notTaggedDocument",
    "message": "Documents uploaded to accessible transactions must be accessibility enabled.",
    "code": 400,
    "name": "Validation Error"

The following error is created if you try to upload a PDF whose tags are not structured correctly:

    "messageKey": "error.validation.ada.documentNotTaggedProperly",
    "message": "Documents uploaded to accessible transactions must be tagged properly.",
    "code": 400,
    "name": "Validation Error"

The following error is created if you try to change the ada flag for a package that already contains documents. This error therefore occurs not when you create a package, but only when you update a package.

    "messageKey": "error.validation.ada.documentsExist",
    "message": "The ADA flag cannot be updated once documents are uploaded",
    "code": 400,
    "name": "Validation Error"

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