Working with Ad Hoc Groups
  • 25 Mar 2025
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Working with Ad Hoc Groups

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Résumé de l’article

Ad hoc groups can be created and configured in the following ways:

  • From the recipient section of the transaction page

  • From the Designer

  • Using an API

Creating an Ad Hoc Group

To add an Ad Hoc Group recipient:

  1. Click the Add Recipient button in a transaction

  2. From the Recipient Type drop-down, select Group.

  3. From the Group drop-down, select Ad hoc group.

    If Sender Groups do not exist in the account, the Group drop-down will automatically be set to Ad Hoc Group on selecting the Group recipient type.

  4. Enter a name for the Ad Hoc Group. The group will be auto-saved once you focus out of the field, and an empty row will be displayed to allow adding the first member.

  5. Additional members can be added by clicking Add group member.

A maximum of 10 members can be added to an Ad Hoc Group.

Updating an Ad Hoc Group

To update an Ad Hoc Group recipient, you can:

  • Update the Name directly within the Recipients list. The change will be auto-saved once you focus out of the field.

You can also update multiple Ad Hoc Groups using the More Actions menu.

  1. Click the ellipsis beside the Ad Hoc Group (...) and then click Edit Details.

  2. Click the Members tab.

  3. Click Manage Members and make your updated (add, edit, or remove a member).

When updating an individual signer who is also an ad hoc group member, the group member information will also be updated, and vice versa.

Note that is not possible to update the Ad Hoc Group or Ad Hoc Group member when an accepted signature exists. If an Ad Hoc Group member is also an individual recipient, when either role has an accepted signature, you will not be able to update both the member and the individual recipient.

From the Designer

Ad Hoc Group recipients and their members can be updated using the Designer. To do this, you must enable the Allow editing recipients setting in the Account Configuration page.

If this setting has been enabled an Edit button will be available, which when selected will allow you to edit the Ad Hoc Group, and it’s members. If this setting has been disabled, then you will only be allowed to view the members of the group.

To update an Ad Hoc Group recipient:

  1. In the Recipients panel, click the Expand (>) button next to the Ad Hoc Group.

  2. Click Edit.

  3. Click the Members tab.

  4. Click Manage Members and make your updates (add, edit, or remove a member).

  5. Click Done when all changes are completed.

  6. Click Save to update the Ad Hoc Group recipient and its members.

Removing an Ad Hoc Group or One of its Members

An Ad Hoc Group recipient or any of its members can be removed using an API, or by using the Sender UI.

When removing an Ad Hoc Group or an Ad Hoc Group member, note the following:

  • When removing an Ad Hoc Group recipient, its associated members will also be removed.

  • Removing all members from an Ad Hoc Group will not remove the Ad Hoc Group.

  • When removing an individual recipient who is also a member of an Ad Hoc Group, the individual recipient will be removed, but the member will remain.

  • Removing a member is considered an update action on the Ad Hoc Group.

  • You cannot remove an Ad Hoc Group member if they have any accepted signature.

  • You cannot remove an Ad Hoc Group if there is any accepted signature for them.

  • It is possible to remove an Ad Hoc Group recipient even when the Ad Hoc Groups account feature is disabled.

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